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UMC Repository: Recent submissions

  • Lammers, Marc J.W.; Young, Emily; Yanai, Anat; Viringipurampeer, Ishaq A.; Le, Trung N.; Straatman, Louise V.; Westerberg, Brian D.; Gregory-Evans, Kevin (2024)
    IMPORTANCE: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the capability of providing ongoing paracrine support to degenerating tissues. Since MSCs can be extracted from a broad range of tissues, their specific surface marker profiles ...
  • Juge, Pierre Antoine; Sparks, Jeffrey A.; Gazal, Steven; Ebstein, Esther; Borie, Raphaël; Debray, Marie Pierre; Kannengiesser, Caroline; McDermott, Gregory C.; Cui, Jing; Hayashi, Keigo; Doyle, Tracy J.; van Moorsel, Coline H.M.; van der Vis, Joanne J.; Grutters, Jan C.; Knevel, Rachel; Heckert, Sascha L.; Vasarmidi, Eirini; Antoniou, Katerina M.; van der Helm van Mil, Annette H.M.; Boileau, Catherine; Crestani, Bruno; Dieudé, Philippe (Oxford University Press, 2024)
    Objective: Recently, a genome-wide association study identified an association between RA-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD) and RPA3-UMAD1 rs12702634 in the Japanese population, especially for patients with a usual ...
  • Scharloo, Fenna; Wolfs, Tom F.W.; van der Bruggen, Tjomme; van der Sluis, Inge M.; Tissing, Wim J.E.; de Vrankrijker, Angelica M.M. (Elsevier, 2024-06)
    Purpose: Data on the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is scarce and recent guidelines advise against its use. This study is conducted to evaluate if the use of ciprofloxacin ...
  • Keet, Martijn G.; Boudewijns, Bronke; Jongenotter, Femke; van Iersel, Senna; van Werkhoven, Cornelis H.; van Gageldonk-Lafeber, Rianne B.; Wisse, Bram W.; van Asten, Liselotte (2024-06-01)
    Background: Alternative data sources for surveillance have gained importance in maintaining coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) situational awareness as nationwide testing has drastically decreased. Therefore, we explored ...
  • Rissanen, Ina; Nerg, Iiro; Oura, Petteri; Huikari, Sanna; Korhonen, Marko (2024-06-01)
    Background: Smoking is one of the leading causes of impaired health and mortality. Loss of paid and unpaid work and replacements due to morbidity and mortality result in productivity costs. Our aim was to investigate the ...
  • Zaigham, Mehreen; Varallo, John; Thangaratinam, Shakila; Nicholson, Wanda; Visser, Gerard H.A. (Public Library of Science, 2024-02)
  • Reyskens, Margot; Abrahams, Alferso C.; François, Karlien; Van Eck Van Der Sluijs, Anita (Oxford University Press, 2024-05-01)
    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a form of kidney replacement therapy with the major advantage that it can be performed at home. This has a positive impact on patients' autonomy and quality of life. However, the dialysis ...
  • Soleimani, F; Donker, D W; Oppersma, E; Duiverman, M L (Expert Reviews Ltd., 2024-07)
    INTRODUCTION: Chronic nocturnal noninvasive ventilation (NIV) improves outcomes in COPD patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The aim of chronic NIV in COPD is to control chronic hypercapnic respiratory ...
  • Okonechnikov, Konstantin; Schrimpf, Daniel; Koster, Jan; Sievers, Philipp; Milde, Till; Sahm, Felix; Jones, David T.W.; von Deimling, Andreas; Pfister, Stefan M.; Kool, Marcel; Korshunov, Andrey (Springer, 2024-06)
    The non-WNT/non-SHH (Grp3/Grp4) medulloblastomas (MBs) include eight second-generation subgroups (SGS; I–VIII) each with distinct molecular and clinical characteristics. Recently, we also identified two prognostically ...
  • Kayode, Gbenga A.; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study; the GBD 2019 Blindness and Vision Impairment Collaborators (Nature Publishing Group, 2024)
    Background: To estimate global and regional trends from 2000 to 2020 of the number of persons visually impaired by cataract and their proportion of the total number of vision-impaired individuals. Methods: A systematic ...
  • Feinkohl, Insa; Janke, Jürgen; Slooter, Arjen J C; Winterer, Georg; Spies, Claudia; Pischon, Tobias (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2024-09)
    Background: Perioperative neurocognitive disorders (NCD) are poorly characterized in terms of their risk factor profiles. Leptin and adiponectin are adipose-tissue-derived hormones with a role in inflammation and atherosclerosis ...
  • Glenthøj, Andreas; Grace, Rachael F.; Lander, Carl; van Beers, Eduard J.; Glader, Bertil; Kuo, Kevin H.M.; Yan, Yan; McGee, Bryan; Boscoe, Audra N.; Li, Junlong; Bianchi, Paola (Wiley-Blackwell, 2024-08)
    Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, a rare, congenital haemolytic anaemia caused by mutations in the PKLR gene, is associated with many clinical manifestations, but the full disease burden has yet to be characterised. The ...
  • Clephas, P R D; Zwartkruis, V W; Malgie, J; van Gent, M W F; Brunner-La Rocca, H P; Szymanski, M K; van Halm, V P; Handoko, M L; Kok, W; Asselbergs, F W; van Kimmenade, R; Manintveld, O; van Mieghem, N M D A; Beeres, S L M A; Post, M C; Borleffs, C J W; Tukkie, R; Mosterd, A; Linssen, G C M; Spee, R F; Emans, M E; Smilde, T D J; van Ramshorst, J; Kirchhof, C; Feenema-Aardema, F; da Fonseca, C A; van den Heuve, M; Hazeleger, R; van Eck, M; van Heerebeek, L; Boersma, H; Rienstra, M; de Boer, R A; Brugts, J J (Oxford University Press, 2024-08-21)
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In patients with chronic heart failure (HF), the MONITOR-HF trial demonstrated the efficacy of pulmonary artery (PA)-guided HF therapy over standard of care in improving quality of life and reducing ...
  • Hernández, Carolina A.; Peikert, Kevin; Qiao, Min; Darras, Alexis; de Wilde, Jonathan R.A.; Bos, Jennifer; Leibowitz, Maya; Galea, Ian; Wagner, Christian; Rab, Minke A.E.; Walker, Ruth H.; Hermann, Andreas; van Beers, Eduard J.; van Wijk, Richard; Kaestner, Lars (Frontiers Media S. A., 2024-07-18)
    Introduction: The unique red blood cell (RBC) properties that characterize the rare neuroacanthocytosis syndromes (NAS) have prompted the exploration of osmotic gradient ektacytometry (Osmoscan) as a diagnostic tool for ...
  • Carrelha, Joana; Mazzi, Stefania; Winroth, Axel; Hagemann-Jensen, Michael; Ziegenhain, Christoph; Högstrand, Kari; Seki, Masafumi; Brennan, Margs S.; Lehander, Madeleine; Wu, Bishan; Meng, Yiran; Markljung, Ellen; Norfo, Ruggiero; Ishida, Hisashi; Belander Strålin, Karin; Grasso, Francesca; Simoglou Karali, Christina; Aliouat, Affaf; Hillen, Amy; Chari, Edwin; Siletti, Kimberly; Thongjuea, Supat; Mead, Adam J.; Linnarsson, Sten; Nerlov, Claus; Sandberg, Rickard; Yoshizato, Tetsuichi; Woll, Petter S.; Jacobsen, Sten Eirik W. (Nature Publishing Group, 2024-06)
    Rare multipotent stem cells replenish millions of blood cells per second through a time-consuming process, passing through multiple stages of increasingly lineage-restricted progenitors. Although insults to the blood-forming ...
  • Sabbag, Avi; Aabel, Eivind W.; Castrini, Anna Isotta; Siontis, Konstantinos C.; Laredo, Mikael; Nizard, Jacky; Duthoit, Guillaume; Asirvatham, Samuel; Sehrawat, Ojasay; Kirkels, Feddo P.; van Rosendael, Philippe J.; Beinart, Roy; Acha, Moshe Rav; Peichl, Petr; Lim, Han S.; Sohns, Christian; Martins, Raphael; Font, Jonaz; Truong, Nguyen N.K.; Estensen, Mette; Haugaa, Kristina H. (Oxford University Press, 2024-05-21)
    Background and Arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse (AMVP) is linked to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (VAs), and young women are Aims considered at high risk. Cases of AMVP in women with malignant VA during pregnancy ...
  • Nurmohamed, Nick S.; van Rosendael, Alexander R.; Danad, Ibrahim; Ngo-Metzger, Quyen; Taub, Pam R.; Ray, Kausik K.; Figtree, Gemma; Bonaca, Marc P.; Hsia, Judith; Rodriguez, Fatima; Sandhu, Alexander T.; Nieman, Koen; Earls, James P.; Hoffmann, Udo; Bax, Jeroen J.; Min, James K.; Maron, David J.; Bhatt, Deepak L. (Oxford University Press, 2024-05-21)
    Clinical risk scores based on traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis correlate imprecisely to an individual’s complex pathophysiological predisposition to atherosclerosis and provide limited accuracy for predicting ...
  • Beck, Jürgen; Fung, Christian; Strbian, Daniel; Bütikofer, Lukas; Z'Graggen, Werner J.; Lang, Matthias F.; Beyeler, Seraina; Gralla, Jan; Ringel, Florian; Schaller, Karl; Plesnila, Nikolaus; Arnold, Marcel; Hacke, Werner; Jüni, Peter; Mendelow, Alexander David; Stapf, Christian; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Bressan, Jenny; Lerch, Stefanie; Hakim, Arsany; Martinez-Majander, Nicolas; Piippo-Karjalainen, Anna; Vajkoczy, Peter; Wolf, Stefan; Schubert, Gerrit A.; Höllig, Anke; Veldeman, Michael; Roelz, Roland; Gruber, Andreas; Rauch, Philip; Mielke, Dorothee; Rohde, Veit; Kerz, Thomas; Uhl, Eberhard; Thanasi, Enea; Huttner, Hagen B.; Kallmünzer, Bernd; Jaap Kappelle, L.; Deinsberger, Wolfgang; Roth, Christian; Lemmens, Robin; Leppert, Jan; Sanmillan, Jose L.; Coutinho, Jonathan M.; Hackenberg, Katharina A.M.; Reimann, Gernot; Mazighi, Mikael; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Raabe, Andreas; SWITCH study investigators (Elsevier Limited, 2024-06-01)
    Background: It is unknown whether decompressive craniectomy improves clinical outcome for people with spontaneous severe deep intracerebral haemorrhage. The SWITCH trial aimed to assess whether decompressive craniectomy ...
  • Demille, Desiree; McDonald, Jamie; Bernabeu, Carmelo; Racher, Hilary; Olivieri, Carla; Cantarini, Claudia; Sbalchiero, Anna; Thompson, Bryony A.; Jovine, Luca; Shovlin, Claire L.; Dupuis-Girod, Sophie; Lesca, Gaetan; Tusseau, Maud; Ganguly, Arupa; Kasthuri, Raj S.; Jessen, Jaime; Massink, Maarten P.G.; Ichikawa, Shoji; Bayrak-Toydemir, Pinar (Wiley-Liss Inc., 2024)
    The 2015 ACMG/AMP standards and guidelines for interpretation of sequence variants are widely used by laboratories, including for variant curation of the hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) genes. However, the need ...
  • Sandler Topelius, Niklas; Shokraneh, Farnaz; Bahman, Mahsa; Lahtinen, Julius; Hassinen, Niko; Airaksinen, Sari; Verma, Soumya; Hrizanovska, Ludmila; Lass, Jana; Paaver, Urve; Tähnas, Janika; Kern, Catharina; Lagarce, Frederic; Fenske, Dominic; Malik, Julia; Scherliess, Holger; Cruz, Sara P.; Paulsson, Mattias; Dekker, Jan; Kammonen, Katja; Rautamo, Maria; Lück, Hendrik; Pierrot, Antoine; Stareprawo, Stephanie; Tubic-Grozdanis, Marija; Zibolka, Stefanie; Lösch, Uli; Jeske, Martina; Griesser, Ulrich; Hummer, Karin; Thalmeier, Andreas; Harjans, Anna; Kruse, Alexander; Heimke-Brinck, Ralph; Khoukh, Karim; Bruno, Fabien (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024-05)
    Pharmacy compounding, the art and science of preparing customized medications to meet individual patient needs, is on the verge of transformation. Traditional methods of compounding often involve manual and time-consuming ...