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UMC Repository: Recent submissions

  • Alexiou, Zoïe W.; Hoenderboom, Bernice M.; Hoebe, Christian J.P.A.; Dukers-Muijrers, Nicole H.T.M.; Götz, Hannelore M.; van der Sande, Marianne A.B.; de Vries, Henry J.C.; den Hartog, Janneke E.; Morré, Servaas A.; van Benthem, Birgit H.B. (Elsevier, 2024-10)
    Background: The clinical and public health relevance of widespread testing for asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) infections is under debate. To address uncertainties in screening programs, we estimate reproductive ...
  • Kroesen, Sophie H.; van Bakel, Bram M.A.; de Bruin, Marijn; Günal, Arzu; Scheepmaker, Arko; Aengevaeren, Wim R.M.; Willems, Frank F.; Wondergem, Roderick; Pisters, Martijn F.; Ortega, Francisco B.; Hopman, Maria T.E.; Thijssen, Dick H.J.; Bakker, Esmée A.; Eijsvogels, Thijs M.H. (BioMed Central, 2024-08-19)
    Background: High sedentary times (ST) is highly prevalent in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), highlighting the need for behavioural change interventions that effectively reduce ST. We examined the immediate and ...
  • Stroes, Charlotte I; Meijer, Sybren L; Creemers, Geert-Jan; Hooijer, Gerrit K J; Mohammad, Nadia Haj; Los, Maartje; Slingerland, Marije; Hospers, Geke A P; Cats, Annemieke; Beerepoot, Laurens V; Bijlsma, Maarten F; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W M (Neoplasia Press, 2024-11)
    BACKGROUND: HER2 targeting in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) has shown potential, but often fails to show durable response. Given the contributions of the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) to therapeutic responses, we ...
  • van Werkhoven, Cornelis H.; de Gier, Brechje; McDonald, Scott A.; de Melker, Hester E.; Hahné, Susan J.M.; van den Hof, Susan; Knol, Mirjam J. (Elsevier USA, 2024-10)
    Objectives: Registration in the Dutch national COVID-19 vaccination register requires consent from the vaccinee. This causes misclassification of nonconsenting vaccinated persons as being unvaccinated. We quantified and ...
  • Roberts, James M.; Abimbola, Seye; Bale, Tracy L.; Barros, Aluisio; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Browne, Joyce L.; Celi, Ann C.; Dube, Polite; Graves, Cornelia R.; Hollestelle, Marieke J.; Hopkins, Scarlett; Khashan, Ali; Koi-Larbi, Koiwah; Lackritz, Eve; Myatt, Leslie; Redman, Christopher W.G.; Tunçalp, Özge; Vermund, Sten H.; Gravett, Michael G. (Elsevier, 2024-08)
    The Health Equity Leadership & Exchange Network states that “health equity exists when all people, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, geographic location, or other societal ...
  • Poort, Vera M.; Hagelaar, Rico; van Roosmalen, Markus J.; Trabut, Laurianne; Buijs-Gladdines, Jessica G.C.A.M.; van Wijk, Bram; Meijerink, Jules; van Boxtel, Ruben (American Association for Cancer Research Inc., 2024-08-15)
    Leukemia is characterized by oncogenic lesions that result in a block of differentiation, whereas phenotypic plasticity is retained. A better understanding of how these two phenomena arise during leukemogenesis in humans ...
  • Vansteensel, Mariska J.; Leinders, Sacha; Branco, Mariana P.; Crone, Nathan E.; Denison, Timothy; Freudenburg, Zachary V.; Geukes, Simon H.; Gosselaar, Peter H.; Raemaekers, Mathijs; Schippers, Anouck; Verberne, Malinda; Aarnoutse, Erik J.; Ramsey, Nick F. (Massachussetts Medical Society, 2024-08-15)
    The durability of communication with the use of brain-computer interfaces in persons with progressive neurodegenerative disease has not been extensively examined. We report on 7 years of independent at-home use of an ...
  • Eijkemans, Marianne; Mommers, Monique; Harskamp-van Ginkel, Margreet W.; Vrijkotte, Tanja G.M.; Ludvigsson, Johnny; Faresjö, Åshild; Bergström, Anna; Ekström, Sandra; Grote, Veit; Koletzko, Berthold; Bønnelykke, Klaus; Eliasen, Anders Ulrik; Bager, Peter; Melbye, Mads; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Baïz, Nour; Barros, Henrique; Santos, Ana Cristina; Duijts, Liesbeth; Mensink-Bout, Sara M.; Flexeder, Claudia; Koletzko, Sibylle; Schikowski, Tamara; Eggesbø, Merete Åse; Lenters, Virissa; Fernández-Tardón, Guillermo; Subiza-Perez, Mikel; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; López-Vicente, Mónica; Sunyer, Jordi; Torrent, Maties; Ballester, Ferran; Kelleher, Cecily; Mehegan, John; Berg, Andrea von; Herberth, Gunda; Standl, Marie; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Pedersen, Eva S.L.; Jansen, Maria; Gehring, Ulrike; Boer, Jolanda M.A.; Devereux, Graham; Turner, Steve; Peltola, Ville; Lagström, Hanna; Inskip, Hazel M.; Pike, Katharine C.; Dalmeijer, Geertje W.; Ent, Cornelis K.van der; Thijs, Carel (BMJ Publishing Group, 2024-08-15)
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the associations of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour in early childhood with asthma and reduced lung function in later childhood within a large collaborative study. DESIGN: Pooling ...
  • Leni, Riccardo; Vertosick, Emily A.; van den Bergh, Roderick C.N.; Soeterik, Timo F.W.; Heetman, Joris G.; van Melick, Harm H.E.; Roscigno, Marco; La Croce, Giovanni; Da Pozzo, Luigi F.; Olivier, Jonathan; Zattoni, Fabio; Facco, Matteo; Dal Moro, Fabrizio; Chiu, Peter K.F.; Wu, Xiaobo; Heidegger, Isabel; Giannini, Giulia; Bianchi, Lorenzo; Lampariello, Luca; Quarta, Leonardo; Salonia, Andrea; Montorsi, Francesco; Briganti, Alberto; Capitanio, Umberto; Carlsson, Sigrid V.; Vickers, Andrew J.; Gandaglia, Giorgio; EAU-YAU Prostate Cancer Working Group (Elsevier, 2024-10)
    Background and objective: Patients diagnosed with grade group (GG) 1 prostate cancer (PCa) following treatment for benign disease (“incidental” PCa) are typically managed with active surveillance (AS). It is not known how ...
  • Dekkers, Coco; De Bruin-Weller, Marjolein (Wiley-Blackwell, 2024-09)
  • Thiel, Bram; Blaauboer, Jamey; Seesing, Chiem; Radmanesh, Jamshid; Koopman, Seppe; Kalkman, Cor; Godfried, Marc (2024-07)
    Contact with the hospital is usually limited for patients after day care surgery. Dedicated smartphone applications can improve communication and possibly enhance outcomes. The objective of this retrospective study was to ...
  • Gaza, Helena Viñas; Bhardwaj, Vivek; Zeller, Peter (Humana Press, 2024-08-15)
    Histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) influence the overall structure of the chromatin and gene expression. Over the course of cell differentiation, the distribution of histone modifications is remodeled, resulting ...
  • the IMAGINE Consortium (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2024-09)
    Objectives: Insight into the aggressiveness of potential breast cancers found in screening may optimize recall decisions. Specific growth rate (SGR), measured on mammograms, may provide valuable prognostic information. ...
  • Jacobson, Michael E.; Leshem, Yael A.; Apfelbacher, Christian; Spuls, Phyllis I.; Gerbens, Louise; Thomas, Kim S.; Williams, Hywel C.; Katoh, Norito; Howells, Laura; Schmitt, Jochen; Deckert, Stefanie; Seshadri, Rishi; Simpson, Eric; The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative; Van Der Rijst, Lisa; De Graaf, Marlies; Achten, Roselie; De Bruin-Weller, Marjolein (American Medical Association, 2024-08-01)
    Importance: Outcome measurement is an essential component of value-based health care and can aid patient care, quality improvement, and clinical effectiveness evidence generation. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema ...
  • Been, Riemer A.; Voets, Philip; Brouwer, Femke; Vogtländer, N.P.J. (Wichtig Publishing, 2024)
  • Kwint, Emma; Marsman, Marije; Van 'T Veen, Annemarie; Hauptmann, Hanna; Brinkkemper, Sjaak (2024)
    This paper presents a qualitative design science study into the interface of an Automated Medical Reporting (AMR) system in order to establish user-centered design principles. AMR has been proposed as a solution to conquer ...
  • Gini, Rosa; Pajouheshnia, Romin; Gutierrez, Lia; Swertz, Morris A; Hyde, Eleanor; Sturkenboom, Miriam; Arana, Alejandro; Franzoni, Carla; Ehrenstein, Vera; Roberto, Giuseppe; Gil, Miguel; Maciá, Miguel Angel; Schäfer, Wiebke; Haug, Ulrike; Thurin, Nicolas H; Lassalle, Régis; Droz-Perroteau, Cécile; Zaccagnino, Silvia; Busto, Maria Paula; Middelkoop, Bas; Gembert, Karin; Sanchez-Saez, Francisco; Rodriguez-Bernal, Clara; Sanfélix-Gimeno, Gabriel; Hurtado, Isabel; Acosta, Manuel Barreiro de; Poblador-Plou, Beatriz; Carmona-Pírez, Jonás; Gimeno-Miguel, Antonio; Prados-Torres, Alexandra; Schultze, Anna; Jansen, Ella; Herings, Ron; Kuiper, Josine; Locatelli, Igor; Jazbar, Janja; Žerovnik, Špela; Kos, Mitja; Smit, Steven; Lind, Sirje; Metspalu, Andres; Simou, Stefania; Hedenmalm, Karin; Cochino, Ana; Alcini, Paolo; Kurz, Xavier; Perez-Gutthann, Susana (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2024-08)
  • Lupi, A.; Suchá, D.; Cundari, G.; Fink, N.; Alkadhi, H.; Budde, R. P.J.; Caobelli, F.; De Cecco, C. N.; Galea, N.; Hrabak-Paar, M.; Loewe, C.; Luetkens, J. A.; Muscogiuri, G.; Natale, L.; Nikolaou, K.; Pirnat, M.; Saba, L.; Salgado, R.; Williams, M. C.; Wintersperger, B. J.; Vliegenthart, R.; Francone, M.; Pepe, A. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024)
    Abstract: Cardiovascular imaging is exponentially increasing in the diagnosis, risk stratification, and therapeutic management of patients with cardiovascular disease. The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) ...
  • Colino-Lage, Hildegard; Guerrero-Gómez, David; Gómez-Orte, Eva; González, Xavier; Martina, José A.; Dansen, Tobias B.; Ayuso, Cristina; Askjaer, Peter; Puertollano, Rosa; Irazoqui, Javier E.; Cabello, Juan; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio (Elsevier, 2024-10)
    Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) transcription factors TFEB/TFE3 and HLH-30 are key regulators of autophagy induction and lysosomal biogenesis in mammals and C. elegans, respectively. While much is known about the regulation ...
  • van der Harst, Pim (Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2024)