In this thesis the sulphur geochemistry of eastern Mediterranean sediments is studied. The
sediments discussed were recovered during the 1987 ABC cruise with R/V Tyro (core ABC27),
the 1988 BAMO-3 expedition of R/V Bannock (cores GC17 and GC21), the 1991 Marflux cruise
with R/V Marion Dufresne (cores KC01B and KC19C), the 1993 Marflux
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cruise with R/V Tyro
(core MT1), the 1994 Palaeoflux cruise with R/V Urania (core UM26) and ODP Leg 160 in
1995 (Sites 964, 966, 967, and 969) (Fig. 1.1).
Chapter 2 deals with the most eye-catching feature in the sedimentary sulphur chemistry
around sapropels: apart from enrichments of solid phase sulphur and iron within sapropels,
sulphur and iron are also enriched in a zone of decimetres thickness, directly below each organic-rich
layer, where organic carbon is not enriched. The sulphur and iron enrichments reflect the
presence of abundant pyrite (FeS 2 ). Stable sulphur isotopic compositions of bulk sediments show
that the reduced sulphur within as well as below sapropels formed through bacterial sulphate
reduction at or close to the sediment surface, i.e. during or shortly after sapropel deposition.
Pyrite formation within the sapropels was iron-limited and consequently, bisulphide was able to
migrate downwards. This resulted in pyrite formation below each sapropel by reaction of
bisulphide with solid phase reactive iron and upward diffusing dissolved Fe(II). This downward
sulphidisation mechanism allowed burial of twice as much sulphur in alternating organic-rich-
Chapter 1 12
anoxic / organic-poor-suboxic sediments compared to homogeneous organic-rich-anoxic
In Chapter 3 the speciation of sulphur and contents of reactive iron in sediments with
sapropels are discussed in detail. Pyrite is the dominant sulphur species within and immediately
below each sapropel. Directly above sapropels, sulphur is hardly present in the solid phase, but
occurs as porewater sulphate. Large scale formation of organic sulphur compounds occurred only
in the most organic-rich sapropel that was investigated (maximum organic carbon content = 23.5
wt%). The presence of iron sulphides other than pyrite indicate that sulphate reduction probably
still continues in this exceptionally organic-rich sapropel, whereas in other sapropels no sulphate
reduction occurs at present.
Chapters 4 and 5 investigate detailed pyrite properties within and below sapropels, in
order to gain further insight into the formation of pyrite and sapropels. The pyrite characteristics
(contents, microtextures and isotopic compositions) were gouverned by the relative rates of
bisulphide production and iron liberation and supply in the sapropels. These rates were both
temporally and laterally variable during sapropel deposition. At times of relatively high sulphate
reduction, bisulphide escaped from the sapropel and pyrite was formed in the underlying
sediments. The sources of iron for pyrite formation comprised detrital reactive solid phase iron
and diagenetically liberated dissolved Fe(II) from sapropel-underlying sediments. In
exceptionally organic-rich sapropels, input of dissolved Fe(II) from the water column via iron
sulphide formation in the water may have been important. Rapid pyrite formation at high
saturation levels of iron and bisulphide resulted in the formation of framboidal pyrite within the
sapropels, whereas directly below each sapropel slow euhedral pyrite formation at low saturation
levels occurred. Stable sulphur isotopes in pyrite in sapropels are strongly enriched in the light
sulphur isotope
S. Below the sapropels, sulphur isotopes are even more enriched in
S than
within sapropels. This is a result of increased bisulphide reoxidation at times of relatively high
bisulphide production, when bisulphide could escape from the sediment into the water column.
The reoxidation may have effected up to 80% of the produced sulphide. The effect of extensive
sulphide reoxidation on organic carbon burial efficiencies and paleoproductivity estimations are
considered in Chapter 5. The enhanced accumulation of OM in sapropels appears to have been
caused by both increased paleoproduction of OM in the surface waters and enhanced preservation
of the OM after settling.
Chapter 6 explores the origin of sulphur in OM within and around sapropels by studying
the stable sulphur isotopic compositions and sulphur to carbon ratios in the OM. The organic
sulphur in the sediments is a mixture of sulphur derived from (1) inorganic reduced sulphur
produced in microbial sulphate reduction, and (2) biosynthetic sulphur. The uptake of reduced
sulphur into OM was most pronounced within the sapropels, where pyrite formation was iron-limited,
so that reactive iron was no longer competing with OM for the uptake of reduced sulphur
and dissolved sulphide concentrations increased.
In Chapter 7 results from organic geochemical analyses, trace metal chemistry and pyrite
study in some exceptionally organic-rich Pliocene sapropels are integrated. These data prove that
euxinic (sulphidic) water column conditions must have existed throughout the eastern
Mediterranean basin over substantial periods of time during the formation of these sapropels.
Introduction and summary 13
Chapter 8 discusses the sediment chemistry and magnetic properties in a 19.6-metre-long
core from an exceptional site in the abyssal eastern Mediterranean. This core contains a large
number of sapropels which were used to construct a time frame for the sediment record at this
site. The exceptional feature is that, in contrast with comparable sites, porewater contained
sulphide down from a few metres below seafloor (mbsf). This sulphide was possibly produced
by bacterial sulphate reduction combined with methane oxidation at a depth of about 17.5 mbsf.
Upward migrating sulphide has pyritized all reactive iron up to a depth of 2 mbsf. As a
consequence, the paleomagnetic signal of iron minerals has been destroyed, and no reliable
paleomagnetic data can be obtained in the lower half of the core.
Summarizing, the work described in this thesis illustrates that chemical processes in
marine sediments may be highly dynamic, especially when different redox systems are forced
to coexist. This may happen when sediments with different OM contents are superimposed, as
a result of periodically changing environmental conditions, or when processes in the subsurface,
such as the input of methane, disturb the chemical system in the sediments. As a result of the
redox imbalances, sediments may be chemically altered after deposition. On the one hand, this
alteration can obscure and even destroy geological information stored in the sedimentary record.
On the other hand, relicts of geochemical processes may reveal the paleoceanographic and
diagenetic history of the sediments.
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