Quality control, data cleaning, imputation
Liu, Dawei; Oberman, Hanne I.; Muñoz, Johanna; Hoogland, Jeroen; Debray, Thomas P.A.
(2023) Asselbergs, Folkert W., Denaxas, Spiros, Oberski, Daniel L., Moore, Jason H. (eds.), Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Real-World Data, pp. 7 - 36
(Part of book)
This chapter addresses important steps during the quality assurance and control of RWD, with particular emphasis on the identification and handling of missing values. A gentle introduction is provided on common statistical and machine learning methods for imputation. We discuss the main strengths and weaknesses of each method, and compare
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their performance in a literature review. We motivate why the imputation of RWD may require additional efforts to avoid bias, and highlight recent advances that account for informative missingness and repeated observations. Finally, we introduce alternative methods to address incomplete data without the need for imputation.
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Keywords: Conditional modelling imputation, Heckman selection model, Imputation, Informative missingness, Joint modelling imputation, Machine learning imputation, Matrix completion, Missing at random, Missing completely at random, Missing data, Missing indicator, Missing not at random, Nearest neighbor, Neural networks, Pattern submodels, Rubin's rules, Sporadically missing, Support vector machines, Surrogate splits, Systematically missing, Tree-based ensembles, General Medicine, General Health Professions, General Nursing, General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology, General Agricultural and Biological Sciences, General Computer Science
ISBN: 9783031366772
Publisher: Springer
Note: Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. All rights reserved.
(Peer reviewed)