Atlas of Lobular Breast Cancer Models: Challenges and Strategic Directions
Sflomos, George; Schipper, Koen; Koorman, Thijs; Fitzpatrick, Amanda; Oesterreich, Steffi; Lee, Adrian V; Jonkers, Jos; Brunton, Valerie G; Christgen, Matthias; Isacke, Clare; Derksen, Patrick W B; Brisken, Cathrin
(2021) Cancers, volume 13, issue 21
Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) accounts for up to 15% of all breast cancer (BC) cases and responds well to endocrine treatment when estrogen receptor α-positive (ER+) yet differs in many biological aspects from other ER+ BC subtypes. Up to 30% of patients with ILC will develop late-onset metastatic disease up
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to ten years after initial tumor diagnosis and may experience failure of systemic therapy. Unfortunately, preclinical models to study ILC progression and predict the efficacy of novel therapeutics are scarce. Here, we review the current advances in ILC modeling, including cell lines and organotypic models, genetically engineered mouse models, and patient-derived xenografts. We also underscore four critical challenges that can be addressed using ILC models: drug resistance, lobular tumor microenvironment, tumor dormancy, and metastasis. Finally, we highlight the advantages of shared experimental ILC resources and provide essential considerations from the perspective of the European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium (ELBCC), which is devoted to better understanding and translating the molecular cues that underpin ILC to clinical diagnosis and intervention. This review will guide investigators who are considering the implementation of ILC models in their research programs.
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Keywords: Animal models, Cell lines, ELBCC, Experimental models, GEMM, Invasive lobular breast carcinoma, Metastasis, PDX, Translational research, Tumor organoids, Oncology, Cancer Research
ISSN: 2072-6694
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Note: Funding Information: Acknowledgments: G.S. was supported by Biltema ISREC Foundation Cancera Stiftelsen, Mats Paulssons Stiftelse, and Stitelsen Stefan Paulssons Cancerfond. K.S. was supported by an EMBO fellowship, ALTF 799-2020. T.K. by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 FET proactive program under grant agreement No. 731957 (MECHANO-CONTROL). V.B. by Cancer Research UK (C157/A24837 and C157/A29279), A.F. by the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Training Fellowship-MR/P001564/1 and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at the Royal Marsden and the ICR post-doctoral support funding-W94500. Figures 1 and 3 were created with The work on ILC models in Lee and Oesterrreich’s group is supported by R01 CA252378 (NCI) as part of the Oncology Models Forum and by a Susan G Komen Scholar Award (SAC160073 to SO). Funding Information: Funding: This publication was funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action LOBSTERPOT (CA19138) work. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
(Peer reviewed)