Evaluation of Real-World Healthcare Resource Utilization and Associated Costs in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Canadian Retrospective Cohort Study
the UCAN CAN-DU, UCAN CURE consortia
(2021) Rheumatology and therapy, volume 8, issue 3, pp. 1303 - 1322
Introduction: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic rheumatic disease, whose multifaceted care path can lead to significant expenditure for the healthcare system. We aim to assess the real-world healthcare resource use (HCRU) and associated cost for children with JIA in a single center in Canada. Methods: A single-center consecutive
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cohort of newly diagnosed patients with JIA attending the pediatric rheumatology clinic from 2011 to 2019 was identified using an administrative data algorithm and electronic medical charts. HCRU was estimated from six administrative health databases that included hospital admissions, emergency, outpatient care, practitioners’ visits, medication, and laboratory and imaging tests. Costs were assigned using appropriate sources. We reported the yearly overall and JIA-associated HCRU and costs 5 years prior to and 6 years after the first visit to the pediatric rheumatologist. The Zhao and Tian estimator was used to calculate cumulative mean costs over a 6-year timeframe. Results were stratified by disease subtype. Results: A total of 389 patients were identified. The yearly total overall mean costs per patient ranged between $804 and $4460 during the 5 years prior to the first visit to the pediatric rheumatologist and $8529 and $10,651 for the 6 years after. Medication cost, driven by use of biologic therapies, and outpatient visits were the greatest contributor to the total cost. The overall cumulative mean cost for 6 years of care was $48,649 per patient, while the JIA-associated cumulative mean cost was $26,820 per patient. During the first year of rheumatology care, systemic onset JIA had the highest cumulative mean overall cost, while oligoarticular JIA had the lowest cumulative mean cost. Conclusion: The care pathway for children with JIA can be expensive, and complex—and varies by JIA subtype. Although the yearly total mean cost per patient was constant, the distribution of costs changes over time with the introduction of biologic therapies later in the care pathway. This study provides a better understanding of the JIA costs profile and can help inform future economic studies.
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Keywords: Administrative health databases, Costs, Drugs, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy, Journal Article
ISSN: 2198-6576
Publisher: Adis International Ltd
Note: Funding Information: This work and the journal?s Rapid Service Fee were supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Canada) [grant number 381280]; Genome Canada (Canada); ZonMW (the Netherlands); and the Reumafonds (the Netherlands). DAM is supported by the Arthur J.E. Child Chair in Rheumatology and a Canada Research Chair in Health Systems and Services Research (2008?2018). SB is supported by the Husky Energy Chair in Child and Maternal Health and the Alberta Children?s Hospital Foundation Chair in Pediatric Research. RSMY is supported by the Hak-Ming and Deborah Chiu Chair in Paediatric Translational Research. LRG is supported by Alberta Innovates Graduate Studentship and Arthritis Society (TGP-18?0244). We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Carolina de La Rosa (CR), a reviewer on the data extraction for the electronic medical charts. In addition, we would like to acknowledge Alberta Health Services for providing the data for the study. All named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this article, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given their approval for this version to be published. Luiza R. Grazziotin, Deborah A. Marshall, Gillian Currie, Marinka Twilt, Maarten J. Ijzerman, Michelle M.A. Kip were involved in the conception and design of the study. Deborah A. Marshall and Gillian Currie contributed to the acquisition of data. Luiza R. Grazziotin conducted the data analysis. All authors were involved in the interpretated the data. Luiza R. Grazziotin drafted the manuscript, and all other authors were major contributors in critically reviewing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. This study was previously presented in the form of abstract during the 2021 Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting held online from February 24 to 26, 2021. Deborah A. Marshall reports non-financial support from consultancy (Illumina) and ISPOR, and personal fees from Analytica, outside the submitted work; Rae S.M. Yeung reports consulting fees from Novartis and Lily outside the submitted work. Sebastiaan J. Vastert reports grants and personal fees from SOBI and Novartis during the conduct of the study; Joost F. Swart reports grants from SOBI, outside the submitted work. Luiza R. Grazziotin, Gillian Currie, Marinka Twilt, Maarten J. Ijzerman, Michelle M.A. Kip, Hendrik Koffijberg, Susanne M. Benseler, Nico M. Wulffraat, Nicole Johnson, Nadia J. Luca, Paivi M. Miettunen and Heinrike Schmeling have nothing to disclose. The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed. Ethics approval for the following research was granted by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Calgary (REB 19?0471). The data that support the findings of this study are available from Alberta Health Services, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of Alberta Health Services. Funding Information: This work and the journal’s Rapid Service Fee were supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Canada) [grant number 381280]; Genome Canada (Canada); ZonMW (the Netherlands); and the Reumafonds (the Netherlands). DAM is supported by the Arthur J.E. Child Chair in Rheumatology and a Canada Research Chair in Health Systems and Services Research (2008–2018). SB is supported by the Husky Energy Chair in Child and Maternal Health and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation Chair in Pediatric Research. RSMY is supported by the Hak-Ming and Deborah Chiu Chair in Paediatric Translational Research. LRG is supported by Alberta Innovates Graduate Studentship and Arthritis Society (TGP-18–0244). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).
(Peer reviewed)