Checklist Individual Strength to measure severe fatigue in immune thrombocytopenia
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Checklist Individual Strength to measure severe fatigue in immune thrombocytopenia
van Dijk, Wobke E.M.; Penson, Adriaan; Kuijlaars, Isolde A.R.; Suijker, Monique; van Galen, Karin P.M.; Knoop, Hans; Schutgens, Roger E.G.
(2022) British Journal of Haematology, volume 197, issue 3, pp. e41 - e44
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Keywords: CIS, Checklist Individual Strength, fatigue, fatigue questionnaire, immune thrombocytopenia, CIS, fatigue, Hematology, Letter
ISSN: 0007-1048
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Note: Funding Information: Roger E.G. Schutgens received a research grant for Novartis. None of the other authors has any conflict of interest to disclose.
(Peer reviewed)