European PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for surveillance of late effects of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer
van Kalsbeek, Rebecca J.; van der Pal, Helena J. H.; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Bardi, Edit; Brown, Morven C.; Effeney, Rachel; Winther, Jeanette F.; Follin, Cecilia; den Hartogh, Jaap; Haupt, Riccardo; Hjorth, Lars; Kepak, Tomas; Kepakova, Katerina; Levitt, Gill; Loonen, Jacqueline J.; Mangelschots, Marlies; Muraca, Monica; Renard, Marleen; Sabic, Harun; Schneider, Carina U.; Uyttebroeck, Anne; Skinner, Roderick; Mulder, Renee L.
(2021) European Journal of Cancer, volume 154, pp. 316 - 328
Background: Long-term follow-up (LTFU) care for childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancer survivors is essential to preserve health and quality of life (QoL). Evidence-based guidelines are needed to inform optimal surveillance strategies, but many topics are yet to be addressed by the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline
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Harmonization Group (IGHG). Therefore, the PanCareFollowUp Recommendations Working Group collaborated with stakeholders to develop European harmonised recommendations in anticipation of evidence-based IGHG guidelines. Methods: The PanCareFollowUp Recommendations Working Group, consisting of 23 late effects specialists, researchers, and survivor representatives from nine countries, collaborated in the first Europe-wide effort to provide unified recommendations in anticipation of evidence-based guidelines. A pragmatic methodology was used to define recommendations for topics where no evidence-based IGHG recommendations exist. The objective was to describe the surveillance requirements for high-quality care while balancing the different infrastructures and resources across European health care systems. The process included two face-to-face meetings and an external consultation round involving 18 experts from 14 countries. Results: Twenty-five harmonised recommendations for LTFU care were developed collaboratively and address topics requiring awareness only (n = 6), awareness, history and/or physical examination (n = 9), or additional surveillance tests (n = 10). Conclusions: The PanCareFollowUp Recommendations, representing a unique agreement across European stakeholders, emphasise awareness among survivors and health care providers in addition to tailored clinical evaluation and/or surveillance tests. They include existing IGHG guidelines and additional recommendations developed by a pragmatic methodology and will be used in the Horizon 2020–funded PanCareFollowUp project to improve health and QoL of CAYA cancer survivors.
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Keywords: Aftercare, Cancer survivors, Neoplasms, Patient participation, Practice guideline, Quality of life, Survivorship, Oncology, Cancer Research
ISSN: 0959-8049
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
Note: Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant number 824982 ). The funding source was not involved in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit this article for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors
(Peer reviewed)