A generic emergency protocol for patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance: A retrospective, single-center study and the generation of www.emergencyprotocol.net
CONNECT MetabERN Collaboration Group
(2021) Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, volume 44, issue 5, pp. 1124 - 1135
Patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance can experience acute metabolic decompensations. Long-term data on outcomes using emergency letters are lacking. This is a retrospective, observational, single-center study of the use of emergency letters based on a generic emergency protocol in patients with hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSD)
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or fatty acid oxidation disorders (FAOD). Data on hospital admissions, initial laboratory results, and serious adverse events were collected. Subsequently, the website www.emergencyprotocol.net was generated in the context of the CONNECT MetabERN eHealth project following multiple meetings, protocol revisions, and translations. Representing 470 emergency protocol years, 127 hospital admissions were documented in 54/128 (42%) patients who made use of emergency letters generated based on the generic emergency protocol. Hypoglycemia (here defined as glucose concentration < 3.9 mmol/L) was reported in only 15% of hospital admissions and was uncommon in patients with ketotic GSD and patients with FAOD aged >5 years. Convulsions, coma, or death was not documented. By providing basic information, emergency letters for individual patients with hepatic GSD or the main FAOD can be generated at www.emergencyprotocol.net, in nine different languages. Generic emergency protocols are safe and easy for home management by the caregivers and the first hour in-hospital management to prevent metabolic emergencies in patients with hepatic GSD and medium-chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. The website www.emergencyprotocol.net is designed to support families and healthcare providers to generate personalized emergency letters for patients with hepatic GSD and the main FAOD.
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Keywords: eHealth, emergency treatment, fatty acid oxidation disorders, glycogen storage diseases, hypoglycemia, telemedicine, Genetics, Genetics(clinical)
ISSN: 0141-8955
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Note: Funding Information: The authors are thankful to Tessa van Amerongen, Irene Schaafsma, Femke E. F. Scholte, and Frouke J. Weynschenk for their contributions as part of their bachelor's project at the UMCG. We are thankful to the following persons, who served as language editors for the patient information leaflets and emergency letters: Hanka Dekker, Terry Derks and Sabine Annemijn Fuchs (Dutch), Connect MetabERN collaborators (English), Francois Eyskens and Marie-Cécile Nassogne (French), Sarah Grünert, Dorothea Haas, Daniela Karall, Ute Stachelhaus-Theimer, Maren Thiel (German), Anastasia Skouma (Greek), Serena Gasperini, Arianna Maiorana, Sabrina Paci, Alessandro Rossi, Flavia Tubili (Italian), Zbigniew Gaciong, Piotr Sobieraj, Edyta Szymanska and Monika Williams (Polish), Carolina Fischinger Moura De Souza and Bibiana Mello de Oliveira (Portuguese), Enrique Landelino Contreras Pulido, Elena Martín Hernández, and Magali Reyes (Spanish), Thomas Casswall, Svetlana Lajic and Marcus Landgren (Swedish), Tuba Eminoglu, Giselle Levi Eskinazi, Aslı İnci, and Engin Köse (Turkish). The CONNECT MetabERN project management support by Cinzia Bellettato and Corine van Lingen is greatly appreciated. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of SSIEM.
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