Fluorescein angiography leads to increased fluorescence of blood cells and may hamper routine haematology analysis of ophthalmology patients
de Groot, Evianne L.; Huisman, Albert; van Solinge, Wouter W.; Ossewaarde-van Norel, Jeannette; Haitjema, Saskia
(2022) International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, volume 44, issue 3, pp. e91 - e94
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Keywords: Abbott Cell-Dyn Sapphire, CBC, complete blood count, flow cytometry, fluorescein angiography, fluorescence, Biochemistry, medical, Hematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Letter
ISSN: 1751-5521
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Note: Funding Information: Funding/Support: (1) Dr FP Fisher Foundation; Achtersloot 212-C, 3401 NZ IJsselstein, the Netherlands; (2) Foundation Beheer het Schild; Wolfhezerweg 101, 6874 AD Wolfheze, the Netherlands; (3) Landelijke Stichting voor Blinden en Slechtzienden (LSBS); Galvanistraat 1, 6716 AE Ede, the Netherlands; (4) Rotterdamse Stichting Blindenbelangen (RSB); Schiekade 77, 3033 BE Rotterdam, the Netherlands; (5) Stichting Louise Rottinghuis Fonds; Ringenum 6, 9934 PM Delfzijl, the Netherlands; (6) Oogfonds; Churchilllaan 11, 3527 GV Utrecht, the Netherlands.
(Peer reviewed)