Comparing hand movement rate dependence of cerebral blood volume and BOLD responses at 7T
Oliveira, Ícaro A.F.; van der Zwaag, Wietske; Raimondo, Luisa; Dumoulin, Serge O.; Siero, Jeroen C.W.
(2021) NeuroImage, volume 226, pp. 1 - 7
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) based on the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) contrast takes advantage of the coupling between neuronal activity and the hemodynamics to allow a non-invasive localisation of the neuronal activity. In general, fMRI experiments assume a linear relationship between neuronal activation and the observed hemodynamics. However,
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the relationship between BOLD responses, neuronal activity, and behaviour are often nonlinear. In addition, the nonlinearity between BOLD responses and behaviour may be related to neuronal process rather than a neurovascular uncoupling. Further, part of the nonlinearity may be driven by vascular nonlinearity effects in particular from large vessel contributions. fMRI based on cerebral blood volume (CBV), promises a higher microvascular specificity, potentially without vascular nonlinearity effects and reduced contamination of the large draining vessels compared to BOLD. In this study, we aimed to investigate differences in BOLD and VASO-CBV signal changes during a hand movement task over a broad range of movement rates. We used a double readout 3D-EPI sequence at 7T to simultaneously measure VASO-CBV and BOLD responses in the sensorimotor cortex. The measured BOLD and VASO-CBV responses increased very similarly in a nonlinear fashion, plateauing for movement rates larger than 1 Hz. Our findings show a tight relationship between BOLD and VASO-CBV responses, indicating that the overall interplay of CBV and BOLD responses are similar for the assessed range of movement rates. These results suggest that the observed nonlinearity of neuronal origin is already present in VASO-CBV measurements, and consequently shows relatively unchanged BOLD responses.
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Keywords: BOLD, BOLD linearity, Cerebral blood volume, Neurovascular coupling, Sensorimotor cortex, Vascular space occupancy, VASO, Brain Mapping/methods, Humans, Cerebral Blood Volume, Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods, Male, Hand, Brain/blood supply, Neurovascular Coupling/physiology, Cerebrovascular Circulation/physiology, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods, Adult, Female, Movement/physiology, Oxygen/blood, Neurology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Journal Article, Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Comparative Study
ISSN: 1053-8119
Publisher: Academic Press Inc.
Note: Funding Information: This work was supported by Royal Netherlands Acadamy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW) research grant (2018, to S.O.D., W.Z, J.S.), a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Vidi Grant (TTW VI.Vidi.198.016 to W.Z.), an NWO Vici (016.Vici.185.050 to S.O.D.) and an Ammodo KNAW Award (S.O.D.). J.S. was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01MH111417. The authors thank Rosa Maria Sanchez Panchuelo (University of Nottingham) and Olivier Mougin (University of Nottingham) for the help with the TR-FOCI pulse implementation. The Spinoza Center is a joint initiative of the University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, VU University, VU University Medical Center, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. Funding Information: This work was supported by Royal Netherlands Acadamy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW) research grant (2018, to S.O.D. W.Z, J.S.), a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Vidi Grant (TTW VI.Vidi.198.016 to W.Z.), an NWO Vici (016.Vici.185.050 to S.O.D.) and an Ammodo KNAW Award (S.O.D.). J.S. was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01MH111417. The authors thank Rosa Maria Sanchez Panchuelo (University of Nottingham) and Olivier Mougin (University of Nottingham) for the help with the TR-FOCI pulse implementation. The Spinoza Center is a joint initiative of the University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, VU University, VU University Medical Center, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. Publisher Copyright: © 2020
(Peer reviewed)