EntropyMaximization in the Force Network Ensemble for Granular Solids - Authors: Brian P. Tighe, Adrianne R. T. van Eerd, and Thijs J. (TEST GUIDO)
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EntropyMaximization in the Force Network Ensemble for Granular Solids - Authors: Brian P. Tighe, Adrianne R. T. van Eerd, and Thijs J. (TEST GUIDO)
Authors: Brian P. Tighe, R.P. Adrianne R. T. van Eerd, and Thijs J.
(2009) Verrijkingen
Phys. Rev. Lett, 100, 238001 (2008)
Recommended with Commentary by R.P. Behringer, Duke University - to be published in: Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, 29-9-2009 show less
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