Arabidopsis Topless-related 1 mitigates physiological damage and growth penalties of induced immunity
Griebel, Thomas; Lapin, Dmitry; Locci, Federica; Kracher, Barbara; Bautor, Jaqueline; Concia, Lorenzo; Benhamed, Moussa; Parker, Jane E
(2023) New Phytologist, volume 239, issue 4, pp. 1404 - 1419
Transcriptional corepressors of the Topless (TPL) family regulate plant hormone and immunity signaling. The lack of a genome-wide profile of their chromatin associations limits understanding of the TPL family roles in transcriptional regulation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation with sequencing (ChIP-Seq) was performed on Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing GFP-tagged Topless-related 1 (TPR1-GFP) with
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and without constitutive immunity via Enhanced Disease Susceptibility 1 (EDS1). RNA-Seq profiling of the TPR1-GFP lines and pathogen-infected tpl/tpr mutants, combined with measuring immunity, growth, and physiological parameters was employed to investigate TPL/TPR roles in immunity and defense homeostasis. TPR1 was enriched at promoter regions of c. 1400 genes and c. 10% of the detected binding required EDS1 immunity signaling. In a tpr1 tpl tpr4 (t3) mutant, resistance to bacteria was slightly compromised, and defense-related transcriptional reprogramming was weakly reduced or enhanced, respectively, at early (< 1 h) and late 24 h stages of bacterial infection. The t3 plants challenged with bacteria or pathogen-associated molecular pattern nlp24 displayed photosystem II dysfunctions. Also, t3 plants were hypersensitive to phytocytokine pep1 at the level of root growth inhibition. Transgenic expression of TPR1 rescued these t3 physiological defects. We propose that TPR1 and TPL family proteins function in Arabidopsis to reduce detrimental effects associated with activated transcriptional immunity.
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Keywords: ChIP-Seq, Topless-related 1, corepressor, immunity, resilience, Physiology, Plant Science
ISSN: 0028-646X
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Note: Funding Information: This work was supported by the Max-Planck Society and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (grants SFB-1403–414786233 and CRC-670 TP19 to JEP; DL), and the FU Berlin (TG). We thank Yuelin Zhang for providing pTPR1:TPR1-GFP, pTPR1:TPR1-HA, tpr1, t3 lines, and pCAMBIA1305-TPR1-GFP vector, Johannes Stuttmann for eds1-12, and Rainer Birkenbihl for advice on ChIP methodology. We thank the Max Planck-Genome-center Cologne for sequencing of ChIP- and RNA samples in this study ( We also thank Guido van den Ackerveken (Utrecht University) for helpful discussions and for providing resources for the experimental work. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Max‐Planck Society and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (grants SFB‐1403–414786233 and CRC‐670 TP19 to JEP; DL), and the FU Berlin (TG). We thank Yuelin Zhang for providing , , , lines, and vector, Johannes Stuttmann for , and Rainer Birkenbihl for advice on ChIP methodology. We thank the Max Planck‐Genome‐center Cologne for sequencing of ChIP‐ and RNA samples in this study ( ). We also thank Guido van den Ackerveken (Utrecht University) for helpful discussions and for providing resources for the experimental work. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. pTPR1:TPR1‐GFP pTPR1:TPR1‐HA tpr1 t3 pCAMBIA1305‐TPR1‐GFP eds1‐12 Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2023 New Phytologist Foundation.
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