A new urban narrative for sustainable development
Keith, Michael; Birch, Eugenie; Buchoud, Nicolas J. A.; Cardama, Maruxa; Cobbett, William; Cohen, Michael; Elmqvist, Thomas; Espey, Jessica; Hajer, Maarten; Hartmann, Gunnar; Matsumoto, Tadashi; Parnell, Susan; Revi, Aromar; Roberts, Debra C.; Saiz, Emilia; Schwanen, Tim; Seto, Karen C.; Tuts, Raf; van der Pütten, Martin
(2023) Nature Sustainability, volume 6, issue 2, pp. 115 - 117
Our planet is rapidly urbanizing. Research has recognized the complexity of city-driven dynamics, but our political realities have yet to catch up. A new narrative of sustainable urban development must become central to global policymaking to help humanity respond to the most pressing social and environmental challenges.
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Keywords: Decision making, government, politics, sustainability, Taverne, Geography, Planning and Development, Food Science, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Global and Planetary Change, Ecology, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Urban Studies
ISSN: 2398-9629
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Note: Funding Information: This piece emerged from a workshop sponsored by UKRI’s PEAK Urban programme, grant reference ES/P011055/1.
(Peer reviewed)