Validating owner-reporting of feather condition of pet Psittaciformes using photographs
Mellor, Emma L; Mendl, Michael T; Mason, G; Davison, Colleen M; van Zeeland, Yvonne; Cuthill, Innes C
(2022) Animal Welfare, volume 31, issue 2, pp. 163 - 173
Reporting of outcome variables by caregivers in welfare studies is commonplace but is open to subjective bias and so requires validation. Biases can occur in either direction: familiarity with an animal allows a deeper insight into welfare problems, but also can lead to reticence in admitting that an animal in
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one's care is experiencing problems. Here, we aim to validate owner-reporting of plumage condition of pet parrots, including those with self-inflicted feather-damaging behaviour (FDB), by comparing owners’ scores of feather condition with those of two independent raters, blind to the owners’ and each other's assessments. We surveyed pet parrot owners to collect data on basic demographics and feather condition, and requested four standardised photographs of birds. We received 259 responses (17% of the 1,521 people contacted); 78 sets of images of appropriate quality for assessment by raters were provided. Mean percentage agreement between owners’ and raters’ scores was mostly fair to substantial using Cohen's kappa; however, raters scored a greater proportion of feather damage than did owners. Overall, our results indicate owner-reporting of feather condition, including FDB, to be generally reliable and consistent with independent assessment of photographs. As the use of photographs can be limited by image quality, a failure to represent the long-term state of a parrot, and the potential for incorrect recording if assessed without relevant information (eg on moulting), this evidence that owner-reports can be reliable opens the door for larger-scale surveys of the extent of welfare-relevant problems.
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Keywords: animal welfare, feather picking, feather plucking, feather-damaging behaviour, plumage, psittacine, Taverne, Animal Science and Zoology, General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology, General Veterinary
ISSN: 0962-7286
Publisher: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Note: Funding Information: We wish to thank all owners who took time to participate in our survey and provide images of their birds. For providing survey translations, thanks also to Livia Benato, Marco Ramirez Montes De Oca, Evelyn Maniaki, Oceane Schmitt, Gina van Pelt, and Lukas Ziegler. Many thanks to Paul Rose and another referee for valuable suggestions that improved the manuscript. Last, but not least, we thank UFAW for funding EM’s postdoctoral position at the time this research was undertaken. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Universities Federation for AnimalWelfare The Old School, Brewhouse Hill,Wheathampstead
(Peer reviewed)
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