Towards a future-proof climate database for European energy system studies
Dubus, Laurent; Brayshaw, David J.; Huertas-Hernando, Daniel; Radu, David; Sharp, Justin; Zappa, William; Stoop, Laurens P.
(2022) Environmental Research Letters, volume 17, issue 12, pp. 1 - 6
In 2013, the European Network of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity (ENTSO-E) created the Pan-European Climate Database (PECD), a tool that has underpinned most studies conducted by TSOs ever since. So far, the different versions of the PECD have used so-called modern-era ‘reanalysis’ products that represent a gridded amalgamation
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of historical conditions from observations. However, scientific evidence suggests, and recent European regulation requires, that power system adequacy studies should take climate change into account when estimating the future potential of variable renewable resources, such as wind, solar and hydro, and the impact of temperature on electricity demand. This paper explains the need for future climate data in energy systems studies and provides high-level recommendations for building a future-proof reference climate dataset for TSOs, not just in Europe, but also globally.
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Keywords: climate change, energy climate modelling, energy systems, future-proof climate database, macro-energy systems, transmission system operators, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, General Environmental Science, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
ISSN: 1748-9326
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Note: Funding Information: Several authors of this paper are members of the PECD Task Force within ENTSO-E (L D, D H H, D R, W Z and L S). We thank other colleagues from the Task Force, from ENTSO-E secretariat and national TSOs for the fruitful discussions. Laurens P Stoop received funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under Grant No. 647.003.005. Laurens P Stoop acknowledges the support of the Copernicus institute of sustainable development, Utrecht University, TenneT TSO B V, and KNMI in his research. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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