EDS1 complexes are not required for PRR responses and execute TNL‐ETI from the nucleus in Nicotiana benthamiana
Zönnchen, Josua; Gantner, Johannes; Lapin, Dmitry; Barthel, Karen; Eschen‐Lippold, Lennart; Erickson, Jessica L.; Villanueva, Sergio Landeo; Zantop, Stefan; Kretschmer, Carola; Joosten, Matthieu H. A. J.; Parker, Jane E.; Guerois, Raphael; Stuttmann, Johannes
(2022) New Phytologist, volume 236, issue 6, pp. 2249 - 2264
Heterodimeric complexes incorporating the lipase-like proteins EDS1 with PAD4 or SAG101 are central hubs in plant innate immunity. EDS1 functions encompass signal relay from TIR domain-containing intracellular NLR-type immune receptors (TNLs) towards RPW8-type helper NLRs (RNLs) and, in Arabidopsis thaliana, bolstering of signaling and resistance mediated by cell-surface pattern recognition
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receptors (PRRs). Increasing evidence points to the activation of EDS1 complexes by small molecule binding. We used CRISPR/Cas-generated mutant lines and agroinfiltration-based complementation assays to interrogate functions of EDS1 complexes in Nicotiana benthamiana. We did not detect impaired PRR signaling in N. benthamiana lines deficient in EDS1 complexes or RNLs. Intriguingly, in assays monitoring functions of SlEDS1-NbEDS1 complexes in N. benthamiana, mutations within the SlEDS1 catalytic triad could abolish or enhance TNL immunity. Furthermore, nuclear EDS1 accumulation was sufficient for N. benthamiana TNL (Roq1) immunity. Reinforcing PRR signaling in Arabidopsis might be a derived function of the TNL/EDS1 immune sector. Although Solanaceae EDS1 functionally depends on catalytic triad residues in some contexts, our data do not support binding of a TNL-derived small molecule in the triad environment. Whether and how nuclear EDS1 activity connects to membrane pore-forming RNLs remains unknown.
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Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana, BAK1, EDS1, NLR, Nicotiana benthamiana, TNL receptor, innate immunity, pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), Physiology, Plant Science
ISSN: 0028-646X
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Note: Funding Information: This work was funded by GRC grant STU 642‐1/1 (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) to JS. Furthermore, JS is grateful for support through the Leibniz price from the DFG and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung, awarded to Ulla Bonas. DL and JEP acknowledge support from The Max‐Planck Society and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) SFB‐1403‐414786233. SLV was financed by the Peruvian Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) and its executive unit FONDECYT. We are grateful to Bianca Rosinsky for taking care of plant growth facilities and growing plants. We thank Bart Thomma for providing Avr4/Cf4 and Avr9/Cf9 expression constructs and Sebastian Schornack for discussion of BAK1 orthologs. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2022 New Phytologist Foundation.
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