The XX Factor: Female Managers and Innovation in a Cross-Country Setting
Foss, Nicolas; Lee, Peggy; Murtinu, Samuele; Scalera, Vittoria
(2022) Leadership Quarterly, volume 33, issue 3, pp. 1 - 18
Our understanding of the link between women managers and firm-level innovation remains incomplete. Building on recent research on gender and leadership styles, we argue that there is a positive association between women managers and firm innovation. We highlight the selection process of women managers as an important underlying mechanism and
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discuss institutional and environmental contingencies as factors that influence this association. Specifically, we theorize and garner empirical support for the idea that in countries with legislation that promotes legally-mandated gender quotas, underqualified women may be selected for management positions, whereas in countries with voluntary gender quotas (or quotas are entirely absent), women are predominantly selected on the basis of their qualifications. The association between women and innovation is strengthened (weakened) in the latter (former) case. We also argue that this positive relationship is stronger under conditions of environmental complexity, which typically characterize innovation activities. These predictions are supported on the basis of data from the Management, Organization and Innovation (MOI) survey which covers manufacturing firms in twelve countries.
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Keywords: Innovation, Cross-country, Women managers, Gender quotas, Taverne, A Journal
ISSN: 1048-9843
Publisher: Elsevier
Note: Funding Information: For helpful comments and fruitful discussion, the authors thank Mario Amore, Stephan Billinger, Prisca Brosi, Peter Bryant, Michael Christensen, Jörg Claussen, Massimo Colombo, Cristian Dezsö, Gary Dushnitsky, Alfonso Gambardella, Orsola Garofalo, Marco Giarratana, Joachim Henkel, Hanna Hottenrott, Karena Kalmbach, Thorbjørn Knudsen, Keld Laursen, Jacob Lyngsie, Davide Marchiori, Eduardo Melero, Tommaso Minola, Martina Montauti, David Ross, Ammon Salter, Juan Santalò, Elvira Scarlat, Carlos Serrano, Anisa Shyti, Justin Tumlinson, as well as the seminar participants at TUM (Technical University of Munich) School of Management, University of Bergamo, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Southern Denmark, 2016 Singleton Governance Conference at Lehigh University, 2016/2017 Annual Micro Meets Macro Conference at Arizona State University, 2017 SMS Special Conference - Milan, Sixth Annual European SEI Faculty Workshop, 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, and 2017 iBEGIN Conference. We are also grateful to three reviewers of this journal for helpful comments. Responsibility for any errors lies solely with the authors. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier Inc.
(Peer reviewed)