Phase constitution and microstructure of the NbTiVZr refractory high-entropy alloy solidified upon different processing
Andreoli, Angelo F.; Mendes, Rafael G.; Witusiewicz, Victor T.; Shuleshova, Olga; van Huis, Marijn A.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Kaban, Ivan
(2021) Acta Materialia, volume 221, pp. 1 - 12
Time- and temperature-resolved phase formation in the equiatomic NbTiVZr refractory high-entropy alloy has been studied in situ using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction and high-speed video imaging during non-equilibrium solidification. Phase formation is shown to be dependent on the solidification conditions. When the melt is undercooled over 80 K it crystallizes
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as a bcc single-phase solid solution despite solute partitioning between dendrites and interdendritic regions. When the sample is for some time kept in the semisolid state, two additional bcc phases form in the interdendritic regions. The crystal growth velocity for the NbTiVZr alloy, as estimated from the high-speed videos, shows pronounced sluggish kinetics.
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Keywords: Growth kinetics, High-entropy alloy, Metastable solidification, Microstructure, Undercooling, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Ceramics and Composites, Polymers and Plastics, Metals and Alloys
ISSN: 1359-6454
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
Note: Funding Information: AFA acknowledges the financial support of the Ph.D. work at the Leibniz IFW Dresden by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education CAPES (grant number: 88887.161381/2017-00, 2017) in the frame of CAPES/DAAD/CNPq International Cooperation Program. OS acknowledges the financial support by the German Space Agency DLR under contract 50WM1546. MvH acknowledges funding from the ERC-CoG grant NANO-INSITU (Grant No. 683076). Parts of this research were carried out at the light source PETRA III, beamline P21.1 at DESY, a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). We acknowledge O. Ivashko, A-C Dippel, and M. v. Zimmermann for the support of the diffraction measurements at the beamline P21.1. The authors thank A. Vo? for the chemical analysis and J. Werner for the DTA measurements. Funding Information: AFA acknowledges the financial support of the Ph.D. work at the Leibniz IFW Dresden by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education CAPES (grant number: 88887.161381/2017-00, 2017) in the frame of CAPES/DAAD/CNPq International Cooperation Program. OS acknowledges the financial support by the German Space Agency DLR under contract 50WM1546. MvH acknowledges funding from the ERC-CoG grant NANO-INSITU (Grant No. 683076). Parts of this research were carried out at the light source PETRA III, beamline P21.1 at DESY, a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). We acknowledge O. Ivashko, A-C Dippel, and M. v. Zimmermann for the support of the diffraction measurements at the beamline P21.1. The authors thank A. Voß for the chemical analysis and J. Werner for the DTA measurements. Publisher Copyright: © 2021
(Peer reviewed)
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