On the use of large-scale biodegradable artificial reefs for intertidal foreshore stabilization
Marin-Diaz, Beatriz; Fivash, Gregory S.; Nauta, Janne; Temmink, Ralph J.M.; Hijner, Nadia; Reijers, Valérie C.; Cruijsen, Peter P.M.J.M.; Didderen, Karin; Heusinkveld, Jannes H.T.; Penning, Emma; Maldonado-Garcia, Gabriela; van Belzen, Jim; de Smit, Jaco C.; Christianen, Marjolijn J.A.; van der Heide, Tjisse; van der Wal, Daphne; Olff, Han; Bouma, Tjeerd J.; Govers, Laura L.
(2021) Ecological Engineering, volume 170, pp. 1 - 9
Combining foreshore ecosystems like saltmarshes and mangroves with traditional hard engineering structures may offer a more sustainable solution to coastal protection than engineering structures alone. However, foreshore ecosystems, are rapidly degrading on a global scale due to human activities and climate change. Marsh-edges could be protected by using connected ecosystems,
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such as shellfish reefs and seagrass beds, which can trap and stabilize sediments, thereby reducing hydrodynamics loads on the saltmarsh edge. In our study, we aimed to test the effect of large-scale biodegradable artificial reefs on tidal flat accretion and/or stabilization. We hypothesized that the structures would attenuate waves and trap sediment. For this, a large-scale experiment was conducted on the tidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea, by installing biodegradable artificial reefs along 630 m. Waves, sediment dynamics and sediment properties around the structures were monitored over three years. Our results demonstrate that intact structures attenuated circa 30% of the wave height with water levels below 0.5 m. Variability in wave-attenuation increased when the wind direction was parallel to the structures/foreshore. Sediment dynamics were variable due to the exposed nature of the location and environmental heterogeneity because of the landscape-scale set-up. We observed local sediment accretion up to 11 cm, however the effect did not expand beyond 10 m from the landward edge of the structures and up to 10 cm scouring was also found. Additionally, near sediment properties were not affected by the presence of the artificial reefs. Long-term effects could not be assessed due to the degradation of the structures during the experimental period. In general, we conclude that artificial reefs have the potential to attenuate waves and trap sediment on tidal flats. However, to benefit connected foreshore ecosystems like salt marshes, an even larger implementation scale and the use of more resistant structures in exposed sites is needed to affect long-term tidal flat morphology.
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Keywords: Coastal protection, Ecosystem connectivity, Ecosystem restoration, Ecosystem-based coastal defence, Sediment dynamics, Wave attenuation, Environmental Engineering, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
ISSN: 0925-8574
Publisher: Elsevier
Note: Funding Information: This work is part of the Perspectief research programme All-Risk with project number P15-21 project B1 which is (partly) financed by NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences , in collaboration with the following private and public partners: the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (RWS), Deltares, STOWA , the regional water authority Noorderzijlvest , the regional water authority Vechtstromen , it Fryske Gea , HKV consultants , Natuurmonumenten , waterboard HHNK . LLG was supported by NWO-VENI grant 016.VENI.181.087 . H.O., E.P and L.L.G were funded by Waddenfonds and Rijkswaterstaat , for the project ‘dynamic Griend’. T.v.d.H, L.L.G and V.C.R. were additionally funded by OBN . R.J.M.T., G.S.F. and K.D. were funded by NWO/TTW-OTP grant 14424 , in collaboration with private and public partners: Natuurmonumenten , STOWA , Rijkswaterstaat , Van Oord , Bureau Waardenburg , Enexio and Rodenburg Biopolymers . T.v.d.H. was funded by NWO/TTW-Vidi grant 16588 . In addition, we would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments in the previous version of this manuscript, to all volunteers who helped with setting up and monitoring the experiments, to Sien, Saar and Jouke who have hosted us on the Ambulant and to the crew of the Asterias from the ‘Wadden Unit’ for enabling transport to and from the experiment. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors
(Peer reviewed)