Antibody-mediated targeting of viral vectors to the Fc receptor expressed on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Leukemia
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Antibody-mediated targeting of viral vectors to the Fc receptor expressed on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Leukemia
Würdinger, T.; Verheije, M.H.; van der Aa, L.M.; Bosch, B.J.; de Haan, C.A.M.; van Beusechem, V.W.; Gerritsen, W.R.; Rottier, P.J.M.
(2006) Leukemia, volume 20, issue 12, pp. 2182 - 2184
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Open Access version via Utrecht University Repository
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Keywords: Coronacrisis-Taverne
ISSN: 0887-6924
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
(Peer reviewed)
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