Morphology dependent MFI-type zeolite intergrowth structures leading to distinct internal and outer surface molecular diffusion barriers
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Morphology dependent MFI-type zeolite intergrowth structures leading to distinct internal and outer surface molecular diffusion barriers
Karwacki, L.; Kox, M.H.F.; de Winter, D.A.M.; Drury, M.R.; Meeldijk, J.D.; Stavitski, E.; Schmidt, W.; Mertens, M.; Burton, A.W.; Zones, S.I.; Cubillas, P.; John, N.; Chan, A.; Bare, S.R.; Anderson, M.; Kornatowski, J.; Weckhuysen, B.M.
(2009) Nature Materials, volume 8, issue 12, pp. 959 - 965
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Keywords: Aardwetenschappen/Geologie/Geofysica, Geology, Geowetenschappen en aanverwante (milieu)wetenschappen
ISSN: 1476-1122
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group SN -
(Peer reviewed)
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