Animal farming and the risk of lymphohaematopoietic cancers: A meta-analysis of three cohort studies within the AGRICOH consortium
El-Zaemey, Sonia; Schinasi, Leah; Ferro, Gilles; Tual, Séverine; Lebailly, Pierre; Baldi, Isabelle; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Kjærheim, Kristina; Schüz, Joachim; Monnereau, Alain; Brouwer, Maartje; Koutros, Stella; Hofmann, Jonathan; Kristensen, Petter; Kromhout, Hans; Leon, Maria; Beane Freeman, Laura E.
(2019) Occupational and Environmental Medicine, volume 76, pp. 827 - 837
Animal farming entails a variety of potential exposures, including infectious agents, endotoxins and pesticides, which may play a role in the aetiology of lymphohaematopoietic cancers (LHCs). The aim of this study was to assess whether farming specific animal species is associated with the risk of overall LHC or its subtypes.
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Data from three prospective cohort studies in the USA, France and Norway which are part of the Agricultural Cohort consortium and which collected information about animal farming and cancer were used. Analyses included 316 270 farmers and farm workers. Adjusted Cox models were used to investigate the associations of 13 histological subtypes of LHC (n=3282) with self-reported livestock (cattle, pigs and sheep/goats) and poultry (ever/never and numbers raised) farming. Cohort-specific HRs were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Ever animal farming in general or farming specific animal species was not meta-associated with overall LHC. The risk of myeloid malignancies decreased with increasing number of livestock (p trend=0.01). Increased risk of myeloproliferative neoplasms was seen with increasing number of sheep/goats (p trend
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Keywords: agriculture, animal workers, cancer, epidemiology, agricultural worker, bone marrow cancer, cancer risk, cohort analysis, controlled study, France, goat, histopathology, human, meta analysis, myeloproliferative neoplasm, nonhuman, Norway, pig, poultry, prospective study, review, risk assessment, sheep, Taverne
ISSN: 1351-0711
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
(Peer reviewed)