Effects of non-dispensing pharmacists integrated in general practice on medication-related hospitalisations
Sloeserwij, V M; Hazen, A C M; Utrecht, University; Leendertse, A J; Poldervaart, J M; de Bont, A A; de Gier, J J; Bouvy, M L; de Wit, N J
(2019) British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, volume 85, issue 10, pp. 2321 - 2331
AIMS: To evaluate the effect of non-dispensing pharmacists (NDPs) integrated in general practice on medication-related hospitalisations, drug burden index and costs in patients at high risk of medication problems (being 65 years or older and using 5 or more chronic medications). METHODS: This was a multicentre, nonrandomised, controlled intervention study with
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pre-post comparison (2013 vs June 2014 to May 2015) in 25 general practices in the Netherlands, comparing NDP-led care (intervention) with 2 current pharmaceutical care models (usual care and usual care plus). In the intervention group, 10 specially trained NDPs were employed in general practices to take integral responsibility for the pharmaceutical care. They provided a broad range of medication therapy management services both on patient level (e.g. clinical medication review) and practice level (e.g. quality improvement projects). In the control groups, pharmaceutical care was provided as usual by general practitioners and community pharmacists, or as usual plus, when pharmacists were additionally trained in performing medication reviews. RESULTS: Overall, 822 medication-related hospitalisations were identified among 11 281 high-risk patients during the intervention period. After adjustment for clustering and potential confounders, the rate ratio of medication-related hospitalisations in the intervention group compared to usual care was 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.57-0.82) and 1.05 (95% confidence interval: 0.73-1.52) compared to usual care plus. No differences in drug burden index or costs were found. CONCLUSIONS: In general practices with an integrated NDP, the rate of medication-related hospitalisations is lower compared to usual care. No differences with usual care plus were found.
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Keywords: general practice, medication safety, medication-related hospitalisation, non-dispending pharmacist, primary care, Pharmacology (medical), Pharmacology, Journal Article
ISSN: 0306-5251
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Note: Funding Information: We thank Peter Zuithoff, Ardine de Wit, Hans Reitsma, Hugo Smeets, Nicole Boekema, Henk de Jong and Margot de Waal, Peter van Hartingsveldt and Sanne van der Heijden, all medical students who helped with the data collection, and all 25 practices that participated in the POINT-study for their contributions. A research grant was obtained from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (grant agreement number 80-833600-98-10206). Implementation of NDPs was financed by an unconditional grant of the Foundation Achmea Healthcare, a Dutch health insurance company (project number Z456). Both study sponsors had no role in the design of the study, nor in the data collection, analyses, interpretation of the data and in the writing of the report or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2019 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Pharmacological Society.
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