If parents establish a non-smoking agreement with their off-spring, does this prevent adolescents from smoking? Finding from three Dutch studies
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If parents establish a non-smoking agreement with their off-spring, does this prevent adolescents from smoking? Finding from three Dutch studies
Den Exter Blokland, E.A.W.; Engels, R.C.M.E.; Harakeh, Z.; Hale III, W.W.; Meeus, W.H.J.
(2010) Health education & behavior, volume 36, issue 4, pp. 759 - 776
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Keywords: Niet-toepassingsgericht onderzoek, Pedagogy, Psychologie, Maatschappelijke structuren en relaties, Jeugd, Logic, Menswetenschappen, Pedagogie en Andragogie/Onderwijskunde (PEAN), Sociale wetenschappen, Jeugdhulpverlening, Opvoeding binnen het gezin, Adolescent and child psychology,m,m,, Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Overig maatschappelijk onderzoek, Jeugd, puberteit, adolescentie, Construerende Technische Wetenschappen, Psychology, Pedagogiek, Taverne
ISSN: 1090-1981
Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc.
(Peer reviewed)
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