Note: Funding Information: Dr. Vastert has received consulting fees from Novartis (less than $10,000) and a research grant from ZonMW (co-funded by Sobi). Dr. Nigrovic has received consulting fees from Sobi, Novartis, Casebia, Pfizer, and UCB (less than $10,000 each), royalties from UpToDate and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and research grants from AbbVie, Novartis, and Sobi. Funding Information: Dr. Vastert’s work was supported by the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (grant LLP10) and ZonMW (Dutch Scientific Organisation, Rational Pharmacotherapy program). Dr. Nigrovic’s work was supported by the NIH (grants R01-AR-065538 and P30-AR-070253), the Rheumatology Research Foundation (Disease Targeted Research Award), and by Fundación Bechara.