Polyphosphate nanoparticles on the platelet surface trigger contact system activation
Verhoef, Johan J F; Barendrecht, Arjan D; Nickel, Katrin F; Dijkxhoorn, Kim; Kenne, Ellinor; Labberton, Linda; McCarty, Owen J T; Schiffelers, Raymond; Heijnen, Harry F G; Hendrickx, Antoni P A; Schellekens, Huub; Fens, Marcel H; de Maat, Steven; Renné, Thomas; Maas, Coen
(2017) Blood, volume 129, issue 12, pp. 1707 - 1717
Polyphosphate is an inorganic polymer that can potentiate several interactions in the blood coagulation system. Blood platelets contain polyphosphate, and the secretion of platelet-derived polyphosphate has been associated with increased thrombus formation and activation of coagulation factor XII. However, the small polymer size of secreted platelet polyphosphate limits its capacity
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to activate factor XII in vitro. Thus, the mechanism by which platelet polyphosphate contributes to thrombus formation remains unclear. Using live-cell imaging, confocal and electron microscopy, we show that activated platelets retain polyphosphate on their cell surface. The apparent polymer size of membrane-associated polyphosphate largely exceeds that of secreted polyphosphate. Ultracentrifugation fractionation experiments revealed that membrane-associated platelet polyphosphate is condensed into insoluble spherical nanoparticles with divalent metal ions. In contrast to soluble polyphosphate, membrane-associated polyphosphate nanoparticles potently activate factor XII. Our findings identify membrane-associated polyphosphate in a nanoparticle state on the surface of activated platelets. We propose that these polyphosphate nanoparticles mechanistically link the procoagulant activity of platelets with the activation of coagulation factor XII.
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Keywords: Blood Coagulation, Blood Platelets, Cell Membrane, Factor XII, Humans, Nanoparticles, Polyphosphates, Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Taverne
ISSN: 0006-4971
Publisher: American Society of Hematology
Note: © 2017 by The American Society of Hematology.
(Peer reviewed)
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