Environment and brain development: Challenges in the global context
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Environment and brain development: Challenges in the global context
Júlvez, Jordi; Paus, Tomas; Bellinger, David; Eskenazi, Brenda; Tiemeier, Henning; Pearce, Neil; Ritz, Beate; White, Tonya; Ramchandani, Paul; Gispert, Juan Domingo; Desrivières, Sylvane; Brouwer, Rachel; Boucher, Olivier; Alemany, Silvia; López-Vicente, Mònica; Suades-González, Elisabet; Forns, Joan; Grandjean, Philippe; Sunyer, Jordi
(2016) Neuroepidemiology, volume 46, issue 2, pp. 79 - 82
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Keywords: Epidemiology, Clinical Neurology
ISSN: 0251-5350
Publisher: S. Karger AG
(Peer reviewed)