Global position paper on cardiovascular regenerative medicine
Fernández-Avilés, Francisco; Sanz-Ruiz, Ricardo; Climent, Andreu M.; Badimon, Lina; Bolli, Roberto; Charron, Dominique; Fuster, Valentin; Janssens, Stefan; Kastrup, Jens; Kim, Hyo Soo; Lüscher, Thomas Felix; Martin, John F.; Menasche, Philippe; Simari, Robert D.; Stone, Gregg W.; Terzic, Andre; Willerson, James T.; Wu, Joseph C.; Joseph, C. Wu; Terzic, Andre; Broughton, Kathleen; DiFede, Darcy L.; Dimmeler, Stefanie; Madonna, Rosalinda; Penn, Marc S.; Sussman, Mark A.; Sluijter, Joost P.G.; Woller, Kai C.; Balkan, Wayne; Chamuleau, Steven; Charron, Dominique; Fernández-Santos, Maria Eugenia; Goliasch, Georg; Gyöngyösi, Mariann; Hare, Joshua M.; Tompkins, Bryon A.; Winkler, Johannes; Bayés-Genis, Antoni; Henry, Timothy D.; Taylor, Doris A.; Lerman, Amir; Pelacho, Beatriz; Prosper, Felipe; Perin, Emerson C.; Pompilio, Giulio; Gersh, Bernard; Bartunek, Jozef; Duckers, Eric; Ferdinandy, Péter; Losordo, Douglas W.; Čanchez, Pedro L.; Sherman, Warren; Wojakowski, Wojtek; Zeiher, Andreas; Roncalli, Jerome; Mathur, Anthony; Crea, Filippo; D'Amario, Domenico; Povsic, Thomas J.; Traverse, Jay; Yla-Herttuala, Seppo
(2017) European Heart Journal, volume 38, issue 33, pp. 2532 - 2546
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Keywords: Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, Journal Article
ISSN: 0195-668X
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Note: Funding Information: Spanish Ministry of Economy through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) (PLE2009-0152, IJCI-2014-22178, PI13-01882, SAF2016-76819-R, CPII15/00017), the Red de Investigación Cardiovacular (RIC. RD12.0042.0001) and the Red of Terapia Celular (TERCEL. RD12.0019.0021, RD16/00110018 and CB16/ 11/0041); FEDER ‘Una Manera de Hacer Europa’; and ‘CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya’ Spain (in part); BAMI (7th FP); SCIENCE (Horizon 2020), Pegasus, Circulate (STRATEGMED by Polish Natinal Centre for Research and Development), statutory funds Medical University of Silesia; NIH and the Mayo Foundation. Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (CVON): The Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers, the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science. Academy of Finland. National Institutes of Health (R01HL084275, R01HL107110, UM1HL113460, and R01HL110737); Starr and Soffer Family Foundations; HLA&MEDECINE.NIH (R01HL067245, R37HL091102, R01HL105759, R01HL113647, R01HL117163, P01HL085577, R01HL122525, P01 HL-78825, and 1 UM1 HL-113530 (CCTRN)) (in part). A.T. reports research grants, administered by Mayo Clinic, from Marriott Foundation, Michael S. and Mary Sue Shannon Family, Russ and Kathy VanCleve Foundation, Leducq Foundation, Florida Heart Research Institute, Celyad, and National Institutes of Health. Ministerio de Educaciœn y Ciencia (SAF2014-59892), Fundaciœ La MARATÓ de TV3 (201502, 201516), Red de Terapia Celular - TerCel (RD16/0011/0006) and CIBER Cardiovascular (CB16/11/00403) as part of the Plan Nacional de I+D+I, and AdvanceCat 2014-2020 to A.B.G.
(Peer reviewed)