Editor's choice - Management of chronic venous disease: Clinical practice guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
Wittens, C.; Davies, A. H.; Bækgaard, N.; Broholm, R.; Cavezzi, A.; Chastanet, S.; De Wolf, M.; Eggen, C.; Giannoukas, A.; Gohel, M.; Kakkos, S.; Lawson, J.; Noppeney, T.; Onida, S.; Pittaluga, P.; Thomis, S.; Toonder, I.; Vuylsteke, M.; Kolh, P.; De Borst, G. J.; Chakfé, N.; Debus, S.; Hinchliffe, R.; Koncar, I.; Lindholt, J.; De Ceniga, M. V.; Vermassen, F.; Verzini, F.; De Maeseneer, M. G.; Blomgren, L.; Hartung, O.; Kalodiki, E.; Korten, E.; Lugli, M.; Naylor, R.; Nicolini, P.; Rosales, A.
(2015) European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, volume 49, issue 6, pp. 678 - 737
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Keywords: Ambulatory compression, AV fistula, AVVQ, CEAP, Chronic venous disease, Compression, CTV, Duplex ultrasound, Endophlebectomy, High ligation, Laser, MRV, Non-thermal ablation, Phlebectomy, Phlebography, Plethysmography, Radiofrequency ablation, Recurrent varicose veins, Sclerotherapy, Stenting, Stripping, Thermal ablation, Varicose veins, VCSS, Vein Qol Sym, Venous disease, Venous malformation, Villalta, Wound dressings, review, Surgery, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
ISSN: 1078-5884
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Ltd
(Peer reviewed)