Influence of water and fat heterogeneity on fat-referenced MR thermometry
Baron, Paul; Deckers, Roel; Bouwman, Job G; Bakker, CJG; de Greef, Martijn; Viergever, Max A; Moonen, Chrit T W; Bartels, Lambertus W
(2016) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, volume 75, issue 3, pp. 1187 - 1197
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of the aqueous and fatty tissue magnetic susceptibility distribution on absolute and relative temperature measurements as obtained directly from the water/fat (w/f) frequency difference. METHODS: Absolute thermometry was investigated using spherical phantoms filled with pork and margarine, which were scanned in three orthogonal orientations. To
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evaluate relative fat referencing, multigradient echo scans were acquired before and after heating pork tissue via high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Simulations were performed to estimate the errors that can be expected in human breast tissue. RESULTS: The sphere experiment showed susceptibility-related errors of 8.4 °C and 0.2 °C for pork and margarine, respectively. For relative fat referencing measurements, fat showed pronounced phase changes of opposite polarity to aqueous tissue. The apparent mean temperature for a numerical breast model assumed to be 37 °C was 47.2 ± 21.6 °C. Simulations of relative fat referencing for a HIFU sonication (ΔT = 29.7 °C) yielded a maximum temperature error of 6.6 °C compared with 2.5 °C without fat referencing. CONCLUSION: Variations in the observed frequency difference between water and fat are largely due to variations in the w/f spatial distribution. This effect may lead to considerable errors in absolute MR thermometry. Additionally, fat referencing may exacerbate rather than correct for proton resonance frequency shift-temperature measurement errors.
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Keywords: Breast, Computer Simulation, Fats, Female, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Models, Biological, Phantoms, Imaging, Thermography, Water, magnetic susceptibility, absolute thermometry, fat referenced thermometry, MR thermometry, MR-HIFU, Journal Article
ISSN: 0740-3194
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Note: © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
(Peer reviewed)