Risk Factors for 30-Day Unplanned Readmission Following Infrainguinal Endovascular Interventions
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Risk Factors for 30-Day Unplanned Readmission Following Infrainguinal Endovascular Interventions
Bodewes, Thomas C. F.; Soden, Peter A.; Ultee, Klaas H. J.; Zettervall, Sara L.; Shean, Katie E.; Deery, Sarah E.; Moll, Frans; Schermerhorn, Marc L.
(2016) Journal of Vascular Surgery, volume 63, issue 6, Suppl., pp. 110S - 110S
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ISSN: 0741-5214
Publisher: Mosby Inc.
Note: Abstracts of the 2016 Vascular Annual Meeting — The Society for Vascular Surgery