Accessory Left Gastric Artery from Left Hepatic Artery is a Potential Risk for Radioembolization Complications
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Accessory Left Gastric Artery from Left Hepatic Artery is a Potential Risk for Radioembolization Complications
Lam, Marnix G E H; Borggreve, Alicia S; Landman, Anadeijda J E M C; Vissers, Coco M J; De Jong, Charlotte D; Monninkhof, Evelyn M; Prince, Jip F
(2016) Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, volume 39, issue 9, pp. 1367 - 1368
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Keywords: Letter, Case Reports
ISSN: 0174-1551
Publisher: Springer Verlag
(Peer reviewed)