"I. SOME General Directions in
regard to Horses. Page i
II. Some general Directions in regard
to Bleeding, Purging, &c. i1
III Of Colds.
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IV. Of Fevers in general. 31
V. Of a Pleurisy, and Inflammation
of the Lungs, &V. 51
VI. Of a Cough and Asthma. 59
VII. Of a Broken-Wind. 68
VIII. Of a Consumption. 76
IX. Of an Apoplexy, or Staggers, Con-
vulfive Disorders, Lethargy, Epi-
lepsy, and Palsy. 78
X. Of the Strangles, and Vives. 95XI. Of the Diseases of the Eyes.
XII. Of the Glanders. 114
XIII. Of the Cholic, or Gripes, and
Pains in the Bowels, from
sudden Accidents. 133
XIV. Of the Lax and Scouring, with
other Disorders of the Sto-
mach and Bowels. 143
XV. Of Worms and Bots. 150
XVI. Of the Yellows, or' Jaundice.
XVII. Of the Disorders of the Kid-
neys and Bladder. 159
XVIII. Of Molten Grease. 167
XIX. Of Surfeits, Mange, and Hide-
Bound. 170
XX. Of the Farcin, or Farcy, and
Dropsical Disorders. 178
XXI. Of Alterative Medicines. 197
XXII. Of Humours. 213
XXIII. Of Rowelling. 220
XXIV. Of Strains in Various Parts.
XXV. Of Tumours and Impos-
thumes. 236
Chap.XXVI. Of Wounds in General 246
XXVII. Of Ulcers in General. 252
XXVIil. Of a Bone-Spavin. 257
XXIX. Of a Curb and Ring-Bone.
XXX. OfSplents. 265
XXXI. Of the Poll-Evil. 268
XXXII. Of a Fiftula, and Bruises on
the Withers-, Warbles on
the Back, and Sit-Fafts.
XXXIII. Of Wind Galls, Blood, and
Bog-Spavins. 276
XXXIV. Of Mallenders and Sallenders.
XXXV. Of Lampas, Barbs, and
Wolves Teeth. 282
XXXVI. Of the Greale. 284
XXXVII. Of Scratches, Crown-Scabs,
Rat-Tails, and Capellets.
XXXVIII. Of the Diseafes of the Feet:
Narrow Heels and Bind-
ing of the Hoof, &c. 299
XXXIX. Of Sand-Cracks and Quittors.
XL. Of Wounds in the Feet, from
Naiis, Gravel, &c. 305
XLI. Of the Running-Thrush, and
Canker, and Lois of Hoof.
XLII. Of Venomous Bites from Vipers
and Mad Dogs. 316
XLIIL Of Gelding, Docking, and Nick,
ing of Horses. 321
XLIV. Of Ruptures, Anticor, Colt-Evil,
or Gonorrhoea, and Diseases of
the Mouth. 233
I. Of particular Disorders of the Feet.
II. Reflections on shoeing Horses. 352
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