Chap. I. the Signs of Sickness in Horses
Chap. II. Discovering fome Errors in the Methods
usually taken to prevent Diseases in Horses, with
an Account of the most proper Means to preserve
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Chap/. III. Contains some general Rules to be ob-
served in bleeding and purging Horfes I 3
Chap. IV. Of the Strangles 22
Chap. V. Of the Baftard Strangles 29
Chap. VI. Of Fevers 33
Chap. VII. Of a Symptomatic Fever 37
Chap. VIII. Of Surfeits 41
Chap. IX. Of Difeafes of the Head. And fir ft,
of the Head-ach 81
Chap.X. Of the Staggers 88
Chap. XI. Of Difeafes of the Eye, with an Ac-
count of its Parts 99
Chap. XII. The Theory of Vifion confedered, with
fome of the Difeafes of the Eye 113
Chap. XIII. Of Difeafes of the Eye in general 120
Chap. XIV. Of Wounds or Bloivs on the Eye, and
other external Accidents I 2 3
C H a p. X V. Of rheumy and inflated Eyes 131
Chap. XVI. Of Moon Eves, or Lunatic Eyes 135
Chap. XVII. Of Films, Webs, &c. caufing Dim-
nefs of Sight 13 8
Chap. XVIII. Of Colds, or (what Farriers call)
Mor-fou&dering • 149
Chap. XIX. Of Cheft-foundering , and broken-
winded Horfes 160
Chap. XX. Of the Glanders, or Mourning of the
Chine 167
Chap. XXI. Of the Strangles, Baftard Strangles,
and Vitrei 1 80
Chap. XXII. Of the Anticor 192
■ Chap. XXIII. Of Difeafes of the Stomach andGuts
Chap-Chap. XXIV. Of the Cholkk Page 200
Chap. XXV. Of the Lax, or Scouring, in Horfes
Chap. XXVI. Of Worms, Bots, and Truncheons
Chap. XXVII. Of Pain in the Bowels from fud-
den Accidents 233
Chap. XXVIII. Of the Yellows, or Jaundice 238
Chap. XXIX. OfDifeafes of the Reins and Blad-
der i/tf
Chap. XXX. Of the Bolt-Evil, and Mattering- of
the Yard 257
Chap. XXXI. Of the Drcffy in Horfes 262
Chap. XXXII. Of Hide-bound Horfes 275
Chap. XXXIII. Of the Farcin in Horfes 278
Chap. XXXIV. Of the Mange, or Scab, in Horfes
Chap. XXXV. Of Tumours, Impofiumes, and
Wounds in general 288
Chap. XXXVI, Of a Gangrene and Mortification
Chap. XXXVII. Of venomous Bites, as of the
mad Do?, &c. in Horfes 305
Chap. XXXVIII. OfFiftulds, old Wounds, &c.
Chap. XXXIX. Of Rowelling Horjes • 320
Chap. XL. Of the Lampas, Barbs, Wolves-Teeth,
Splents, Spavins, and Ring-Bones 322
Chap. XLI. Of the Poll-Evil, Bruifes in the Wi-
thers, Warbles in the Back, &c. 326
Chap. XLli. Of a Shoulder'Wrench, Shoulder-
Slip, Sinemi-Sprain, &c. 335
Chap. XLIII. Of the Mallenders, Sallenders, Sec.
Chap. XLIV. Of the Greafe andScratches, Mules
and KiVd Heels 340
Chap. XLV. Officiating, and narrow Heels 348
Chap. XLVI. Of Gravel, Nails, &C. in the Foot
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