CORRIGENDUM: The effect of genotypes and parent of origin on cancer risk and age of cancer development in PMS2 mutation carriers
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CORRIGENDUM: The effect of genotypes and parent of origin on cancer risk and age of cancer development in PMS2 mutation carriers
Suerink, Manon; Van Der Klift, Heleen M.; Ten Broeke, Sanne W.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; Bernstein, Inge; Munar, Gabriel Capell; Gomez Garcia, Encarna; Hoogerbrugge, Nicoline; Letteboer, Tom G W; Menko, Fred H.; Lindblom, Annika; Mensenkamp, Arjen; Moller, Pal; Van Os, Theo A.; Rahner, Nils; Redeker, Bert J W; Olderode-Berends, M. J W; Spruijt, Liesbeth; Vos, Yvonne J.; Wagner, Anja; Morreau, Hans; Hes, Frederik J.; Vasen, Hans F A; Tops, Carli M.; Wijnen, Juul T.; Nielsen, Maartje
(2016) Genetics in Medicine, volume 18, issue 1, pp.
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