A view on more resilient flood risk governance: key conclusions of the STAR-FLOOD project
Hegger, D.L.T.; Driessen, P.P.J.; Bakker, Marloes; Alexander, Meghan; Beyers, Jean-Christophe; Buijze, A.W.G.J.; bruzzone, silvia; Chorynski, Adam; Crabbé, Ann; Deketelaere, K.; Delvaux, B.; Dieperink, C.; Hoekveld, W.J.; Ek , Kristina; Fournier, M.; Ganzevoort, Wessel; Gilissen, H.K.; Goytia, Susana; Gralepois, M.; Green, C.; van Herten, M.L.; Homewood, Stephen; Kaufmann, M.; Kundzewicz, Zbigniew; Larrue, Corinne; Levy, L.; Jakub, Lewandowsky; Liefferink, D.; Manson, Corinne; Matczak, Piotr; Mees, Hannelore; Micou, Anna Paula; Parker, Dennis; Pettersson, Maria; Priest, Sally; Raadgever, Tom; van Rijswick, H.F.M.W.; Schellenberger, Thomas; Spegel, Elin; Suykens, Cathy; Szwed, Malgorzata; Tapsell, S.; Thuillier, Thomas; Tremorin, J.B.; Wiering, Mark
(2016) Utrecht University Repository
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Keywords: Flood Risk Management, Flood Risk Governance, Europe, EU Floods Directive, Partnership working, Belgium, England, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Synthesis
Publisher: STAR-FLOOD Consortium