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  • Westerhout, Eline; Markus, Thomas; Monachesi, Paola (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the twentieth meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN). The meeting was organized by the UiL-OTS institute, which is part of Utrecht University ...
  • Wubben, Sander; Bosch, Antal van den; Krahmer, Emiel (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    In this paper we investigate the automatic collection, generation and evaluation of sentential paraphrases. Valuable sources of paraphrases are news article headlines; they tend to describe the same event in various ...
  • Theijssen, Daphne; Halteren, Hans van; Boonpiyapat, Tip; Lohfink, Anna; Ruiter, Bas; Westerbeek, Hans (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    In English, new adjectives can be coined by adding the suffix -ish. For instance, one can describe someone who acts like Arnold Schwarzenegger as Schwarzeneggerish. This paper investigates how the use of -ish is influenced ...
  • Plank, Barbara; Noord, Gertjan van (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    In the past decade several natural language parsing systems have emerged, which use different methods and formalisms. For instance, systems that employ a hand-crafted grammar with a statistical disambiguation component ...
  • Vaassen, Frederik; Daelemans, Walter (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    We describe the natural language processing component of a new serious gaming project, deLearyous, which aims at developing an environment in which users can improve their communication skills by interacting with a virtual ...
  • Nabende, Peter (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    Transliteration is aimed at dealing with unknown words in Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) and Machine Translation (MT). Most of the transliteration tasks depend on a similarity estimation stage where a model ...
  • Kok, Daniël de; Noord, Gertjan van (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    The paper presents an efficient, wide-coverage, sentence generator for Dutch, which employs the Alpino grammar and lexicon. This generator consists of a chart-based sentence realizer that builds grammatical sentences for ...
  • Morante, Roser; Van Asch, Vincent; Daelemans, Walter (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    In this paper we describe a memory-based machine learning system that extracts biomedical events from texts relying on information from contextual and syntactic features. The main characteristics of the system are that ...
  • Gompel, Maarten van; Bosch, Antal van den; Berck, Peter (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    We present a phrase-based extension to memory-based machine translation. This form of example-based machine translation employs lazy-learning classifiers to translate fragments of the source sentence to fragments of the ...
  • Katrenko, Sophia; Adriaans, Pieter (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    Automatic recognition of semantic relations constitutes an important part of information extraction. Many existing information extraction systems rely on syntactic information found in a sentence to accomplish this task. ...
  • Desmet, Bart; Hoste, Véronique (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    This paper explores the use of classifier ensembles for the task of named entity recognition (NER) on a Dutch dataset. Classifiers from 3 classification frameworks, namely memory-based learning (MBL), conditional random ...
  • Bosch, Linde van den (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    "It is a great honour for me to address an audience of such renowned computational linguists. I would like to thank the organising committee of CLIN 2010 for this opportunity. The CLIN conference is held every year at a ...
  • Çöltekin, Çağrı (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    Successor variety is a commonly used measure for segmentation in language processing. It is based on a simple idea that a large variety of letters (or phonemes) following an initial word (or utterance) segment indicates ...
  • Plank, Barbara; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik; Van de Cruys, Tim (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the nineteenth meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN). The meeting took place at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands on 22 January ...
  • Huberman, Bernardo (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2010-11)
    The past decade has witnessed a momentous transformation in the way people interact, create and exchange information. Content is now coactively produced, shared, classified, and rated on the Web by millions of people, ...
  • Theijssen, Daphne; Halteren, Hans van; Fikkers, Karin; Groothoff, Frederike; Hoof, Lian van; Sande, Eva van de; Tiems, Jorieke; Verhagen, Véronique; Zande, Patrick van der (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    In this paper, we use logistic regression modelling to predict the English benefactive alternation (He baked me a cake vs. He baked a cake for me). We developed a data set consisting of 107 instances in adult writing and ...
  • Van Eynde, Frank (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    Treebanks are used for various purposes in language technology, but the wealth of data they contain can also be put to good use for the purpose of linguistic description and linguistic theory. To demonstrate this I will ...
  • Martens, Scott (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    Discovering frequent structures within large natural language corpora is one of the core problems of corpus linguistics, but it is difficult to do for richly structured data. This paper describes a practical algorithm ...
  • Ittoo, Ashwin; Bouma, Gosse (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    We present an unsupervised approach to automatically learn lexico-syntactic patterns encoding meronymy relations from texts. Our major contribution lies in alleviating the challenge of disambiguating polysemous patterns ...
  • Giorgolo, Gianluca; Unger, Christina (LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, 2009-12)
    We propose a non-representational, compositional treatment of anaphora. By nonrepresentational we mean working directly with denotations without relying on specific features of a representational language, such as discourse ...

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