Molecular characterization of two patients with de novo interstitial deletions in 4q22-q24.
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Molecular characterization of two patients with de novo interstitial deletions in 4q22-q24.
Hilhorst-Hofstee, Y.; Tumer, Z.; Born, P.; Knijnenburg, J.; Hansson, K.; Yatawara, V.; Steensberg, J.; Ullman, R.; Arkesteijn, G.; Tommerup, N.; Larsen, L.A.
(2009) American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A., volume 149(A), issue 8, pp. 1830 - 1833
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Embargo until January 01 2050
ISSN: 1552-4825
Publisher: Wiley-Liss Inc.
(Peer reviewed)
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