The continental margins of the southern North Sea and the northwestern
Mediterranean Sea were chosen as the main subject areas for the study of some of
the key processes operating in water and in sediment: chemical scavenging, particle
transport, sediment resuspension and deposition. The dynamic behaviour of the
radioactive tracers, 21OPb, 210po and 137Cs,
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was examined in the study areas to
identify mechanisms and time scales of those key processes, in order to predict the
fate and impact of the particle-reactive chemical pollutants in the coastal and shelf
systems of the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
Determination of sediment accumulation and mixing based on the 210Pb and 137Cs
profiles gave an estimate of annual deposition flux (0.12 g/cm2/yr) in the Oyster
Ground, an organic-rich fine grained deposition area in the southern North Sea. A
similar study was also carried out in the Gulf of Lions area (northwestern
Mediterranean Sea), which showed that the intensive sediment reworking is
restricted to the uppermost sediment column and most of the sediment supplied by
the Rhone river is deposited close to the river mouth with only a small amount
being transported towards the nearby deep basin of the Mediterranean Sea. The spatial distribution of 210Pb and 137Cs and the mixing rates of the bottom
sediment in the southern North Sea were studied. Profiles of the two radioactive
nuclides show intensive sediment mixing and subsurface maxima of 210Pb in most
sediment cores down to 40 cm depth in the sediments. Diffusion model
calculations revealed that sediment mixing in this area could not be described by
diffusive processes. Applying a single event subsurface egestion model gave good
agreement between model curves and measured profiles. It is concluded that the
subsurface maxima of excess 210Pb are related to the non-diffusive biogenic mixing
and that this kind of mixing plays an important role in determining the fate of the
sediment in the coastal and shelf environments of the study area.
A study of the disequilibrium and distribution of 210Pb and 21Opo showed the
importance of scavenging processes in the southern North Sea. The observed low
concentrations of total 210Pb in the study area were related to a high concentration
of suspended matter, high resuspension rates and low atmospheric input. An
excess of 21OPo, both in dissolved and particulate form, indicated an additional flux of 210Po from the coastal and shelf sediments because of high resuspension rates.
Mass balance calculations from a box model revealed a shorter residence time and
higher uptake rate for dissolved 210Po than for dissolved 210pb, which indicates a
high recycling efficiency. Comparison of data on the 210Pb concentrations in water
and sediment showed that a regular excess of 210po as observed in the water
column is balanced by a small deficit of 210Po in the sediments.
Special attention was also given to possible seasonal influces on distributions of
210Pb and 210po in the water column of the Dutch coastal zone. Measurements of
water samples revealed that the concentrations of dissolved 210Pb and 21Opo were
low during the summer, whereas the particulate 210Pb and 21Opo were relatively
high during the spring and winter. The observed seasonal variation in the
distribution of the two radionuclides was considered to be the result of high
effective scavenging in summer and enhanced resuspension in winter. A onedimensional
seasonal model was developed to account for the observed seasonal variation. The derived time-variation of the total 210Pb and 21OPo is in close
agreement with the field data. It is concluded that 210Pb deposition from the
atmosphere at the sea surface plays a key role in controlling the distribution of 210Pb
and 21Opo in the study area, but is not sufficient to account for all 210Pb and 21Opo
that is present. About 10-25% of the total amount of 210Pb and 21Opo is supplied by
lateral advection.
In order to assess the accuracy of the mass budget of particle transport and
deposition, the flux of atmospheric deposition of 210Pb in the Netherlands was
studied. The observed total 210Pb deposition shows strong variation on a short time
scale as well as regional variations. There is a good correlation between the daily
210Pb deposition and the precipitation, which indicates the presence of a strong
seasonal effect during the year: the deposition flux is higher in the summer than in
the winter. The dry fallout flux, estimated from the relation of 210Pb flux with
precipitation, is about 16-38% of the total deposition of 210Pb. Although strong
seasonal variations were observed in the daily total 210Pb flux, the annual
deposition rate of 210Pb did not differ significantly from year to year. For a good
representation of the flux, however, measurements on a longer time scale arerequired to overcome the influence of strong seasonal variation and regional
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