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Utrecht University Library: Recent submissions

  • Savenije, Bas (1997)
    Nederlandse uitgeverijen verdienen steeds meer aan digitale uitgaven.
  • Savenije, Bas (1997)
    The universities’ core business is education and research. Scolars publish the findings of their own scientific research. They also take frequent notice of research conducted by colleagues who are engaged in the same ...
  • Savenije, Bas (1998)
    Het doel van EBU is: de kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve verbetering van de bestaande wetenschappelijke informatievoorziening met behulp van moderne technologie. Het project is een samenwerkingsverband van de Universiteits ...
  • Savenije, Bas (LIBER, 1998)
    The Library of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands has developed a project, together with the State and University Library of Aarhus, Denmark, and the University Library of Graz, Austria, in order to support the ...
  • Savenije, Bas (1999)
    The present article is by no means a technical account regarding the formulation of library instructions. In this article we rather go into the phenomenon of library instruction within the context of student education. The ...
  • Savenije, Bas; Noord, Lieke van (1999)
    De huidige technologische ontwikkelingen hebben ingrijpende gevolgen voor de bibliotheek. Dit artikel analyseert deze gevolgen voor zowel de taken als het personeel van de bibliotheek. De analyse vormt de basis voor een ...
  • Savenije, Bas (Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1999)
    Due to a number of problems the traditional scientific journal has become an obstacle for efficient scientific communication. A number of initiatives has been started to realise other ways of scientific publishing, using ...
  • Savenije, Bas; Grygierczyk, Natalia (LIBER, 2000)
    As a consequence of developments in information technology, the traditional information chain is subject to change: the separate functions in this chain become more and more integrated and the roles played by the traditional ...
  • Savenije, Bas; Grygierczyk, Natalia (2000)
    The main function of the library of the future is to provide access to electronic sources stored elsewhere. In order to comply with the users' needs, therefore, flexible license scenarios are necessary. Another future ...
  • Savenije, Bas; Grygierczyk, Natalia (ICCC/IFIP, 2001)
    Due to a number of problems the traditional scientific journal has become an obstacle for efficient scientific communication. Many initiatives have been started for realising alternative ways of scientific publishing thereby ...
  • Savenije, Bas (2002)
    The organisation of the university library in comprehensive universities is determined to a large extent by a number of historical factors. Often there is a large number of separate locations which are more or less ...
  • Savenije, Bas (2003-07)
    ABSTRACT: The current difficulties of scholarly publishing are set out and a response to them based upon publishing by the institutions of the authors involved is described. An account of the role of the FIGARO Project ...
  • Sieverts, Eric G. (Otto Cramwinckel Uitgever, 2004-06)
    Bespreekt recent verlies aan functionaliteit van Altavista en Alltheweb. Gaat daarnaast in op een groot verlies aan content van deze twee zoekmachines en ook van Hotbot en MSN. Concludeert op grond van een twintigtal ...
  • Savenije, Bas (Saur, 2003)
    Almost 75% of the current academic journals have gone online, even as they continue to publish in print. Furthermore, a rising number of new e-only journals are being started, most of them outside the range of traditional ...
  • Savenije, Bas (Universiteit Utrecht, 1994)
    Het doel van mijn presentatie is u enig inzicht te verschaffen hoe het het computercentrum van de universiteit, het ACCU, en de Universiteitsbibliotheek samen gaan werken aan het project 'de Electronische Bibliotheek ...
  • Savenije, Bas (Leuven University Press, 2004)
    Due to a number of problems the traditional scientific journal no longer fulfils a role in the communication among scientists. Several initiatives have been started, using modern information technology, to realise other ...
  • Savenije, Bas (2003)
    Almost 75% of the current academic journals have gone online, even as they continue to publish in print. Furthermore, a rising number of new e-only journals are being started, most of them outside the range of traditional ...
  • Savenije, Bas; Smith, Jennifer (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Nicolaus Copenicus University Torun, 2003)
    The origin of the scientific journal lies in the need of researchers to communicate with each other. But the traditional scientific journal has been confronting the academic community with a number of problems. These are ...