Reshaping diversity in a local classroom: Communication and identity issues in multicultural schools in the Netherlands.
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Reshaping diversity in a local classroom: Communication and identity issues in multicultural schools in the Netherlands.
de Haan, M.J.; Elbers, E.P.J.M.
(2005) Language & Communication, volume 25, pp. 315 - 333
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Keywords: Niet-toepassingsgericht onderzoek, Pedagogy, Psychologie, Maatschappelijke structuren en relaties, Logic, Menswetenschappen, Sociale wetenschappen, Adolescent and child psychology,m,m,, Overig maatschappelijk onderzoek, Construerende Technische Wetenschappen, Psychology, Pedagogiek
ISSN: 0271-5309
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
(Peer reviewed)
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