In this thesis, we have studied the thermodynamic stability of magnetic fluids, also called
ferrofluids. These consist of spherical colloids of typically 10 nm, coated with a monolayer of
oleic acid and dispersed in cyclohexane. The core material, Fe3O4, is ferrimagnetic and
because of its small size, the core consists of a single
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magnetic domain with a permanent
magnetic moment. An easy preparation method for such colloids is described in chapter 2.
The question how interactions between magnetic colloids affect the stability of magnetic fluids
is one of practical as well as fundamental interest. Some applications require the magnetic fluid
to remain monophasic under working conditions; others need phase separation of the magnetic
fluid in order to work. To predict under which conditions a ferrofluid becomes unstable, it is
often modeled as a dipolar hard sphere fluid (DHS fluid). Actually, theories for DHS fluids had
been developed even before ferrofluids came up. Most of them aimed at describing the
dielectric constant of polar liquids in terms of the properties of polar molecules. To assess the
applicability of these theories on magnetic fluids, the magnetic susceptibility as a function of
concentration and interaction strength of high quality ferrofluids has been studied in chapter 3.
The variation of interaction strength was accomplished by separating a polydisperse ferrofluid
into fractions with different mean particle sizes, ranging from 8 to 15 nm. None of the
prevailing theories describes the measured susceptibilities accurately, although three theories
(the Mean Spherical Model, Perturbation Theory and Onsager's theory) are in fair agreement
with the experimental data.
In chapter 4, two theories are described that are used to predict the stability of ferrofluids
against liquid-gas phase separation. The theories show that phase separation in magnetic fluids
may be induced by applying a magnetic field, if magnetic interactions between the colloids are
sufficiently strong, about 3 kT. In ferrofluids, however, the interaction strength is only 1 kT,
though due to polydispersity there will be a small fraction of large particles with much stronger
interaction. Even though magnetic interactions alone may be too weak to enable phase
separation in magnetic fluids, they will influence the stability of ferrofluids destabilized by other
factors, for example by the presence of non-adsorbing polymer. Even without magnetic
interactions, non-adsorbing polymer can induce colloidal gas-liquid phase separation in a
colloidal dispersion. In chapter 4, a mean field theory for the phase behavior of colloid-polymer
mixtures is extended to take magnetic interactions into account. Calculations with this
modified theory show that magnetic interactions decrease the stability of colloid-polymer
mixtures, and moreover, that the decrease in stability is stronger when a magnetic field is applied. As oleic acid can also be considered as a small polymer, removal of excess oleic
acid, which is not always done after the synthesis of magnetic fluids, can improve the stability
of magnetic fluids.
In chapters 5 and 6, the stability of magnetic fluids containing poly(dimethylsiloxane), a non-adsorbing
polymer, is studied experimentally. In chapter 5, it is set out in detail how phase
separation is detected and quantified using a susceptibility meter based on a Colpitts oscillator.
This instrument can make local measurements of the susceptibility in a sample tube; hence, the
colloid concentration in each phase can be measured in a quick and non-destructive way.
Moreover, the locations of phase boundaries and therefore the volumes of separate phases
can be accurately determined. Chapter 5 also describes a method to obtain the polymer
concentration in each separate phase by combining susceptibility measurements of samples
with different colloid/polymer ratios. In principle, susceptibility measurements allow for the
determination of the full phase diagram of colloid-polymer mixtures, including nodelines. In
practice, however, translation of susceptibilities to concentrations was obscured, because
phase separation is shown to be accompanied by strong size fractionation, and the
susceptibility is very sensitive to changes in particle size.
The influence of a magnetic field on the stability of ferrofluid-polymer mixtures is investigated in
chapter 6, using the same susceptibility meter as used in chapter 5 and a thermostated
electromagnet. Without polymer, the ferrofluid is stable at all attainable field strengths (up to
30 kAm -1 ) and all concentrations. This is inconsistent with many reports in literature, but may
be due to the fact that a high quality ferrofluid was used here, i.e. without excess oleic acid and
clusters. With polymer, the phase behavior in a magnetic field clearly deviates from the
behavior in zero field. The decrease in stability caused by the magnetic field is somewhat
stronger that predicted by the theory described in chapter 4, but still of the same order of
magnitude. An open question is how the stability is affected by the considerable polydispersity
(26%) of the magnetic colloids.
That magnetic colloids do not always behave as dipolar hard spheres is demonstrated in
chapter 7. Using several experimental techniques, the existence of a strong, anomalous
attraction between sterically stabilized magnetite particles and silica spheres was
demonstrated. The attraction resulted in irreversible adsorption of magnetite particles, covering
up to 30% of the silica surface. The adsorption kinetics appeared to be orders of magnitudes
slower than that of a diffusion limited adsorption. Based on this and other observations, proton
transfer mechanism was proposed as a possible mechanism to account for the strong
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