The main objective of this thesis was to determine the role of serum magnesium
in the pathophysiology after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and to assess
the effect of magnesium treatment in reducing cerebral ischemia in experimental
SAH and in improving clinical outcome in patients with aneurysmal SAH.
In Chapter 2 we
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reviewed the potentials of magnesium treatment in subarachnoid
hemorrhage by describing the pathophysiology of ischemia after SAH
and the many ways magnesium may interfere with this.
In Chapter 3 we described a study in which cortical spreading depressions
(CSDs) are induced by topical administration of potassium chloride in rat brain.
We demonstrated that intravenous magnesium administration reduced CSDs and
delayed anoxic depolarization in intact rat brain. Therefore we hypothesized that
the neuroprotective role of magnesium in cerebral ischemia is partly due to
effective suppression of ischemia-induced depolarization.
In Chapter 4 we induced an experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in the
rat by means of the endovascular filament model. MRI measurements were performed
on a 4.7T NMR spectrometer 1 and 48 hours after SAH and 9 days
thereafter. We showed that it is feasible to detect alterations of in-vivo vessel
diameter and blood flow velocities and their consequences for brain damage after
experimental SAH in the rat. The increase of the infarct and the concomitant
vasoconstriction suggest that delayed cerebral ischemia after SAH occurs in rats
and that vasoconstriction may play an important role.
In the study described in Chapter 5 we also used the endovascular filament
method to induce SAH in the rat. Extracellular direct current potentials were
continuously recorded from 6 Ag/AgCl electrodes, before and up to 90 minutes
following SAH. Next, animals were transferred to the 4.7T NMR spectrometer.
We demonstrated that prolonged depolarizations occur immediately after SAH
and that the duration of these depolarizations is related to the extent of ischemic
lesions observed on MRI. Moreover, we found that pretreatment with magnesium
sulfate reduces the duration of the depolarizations and the extent of the
ischemic lesions. Cortical spreading depressions play a minor role, if any, in the
acute pathophysiology of SAH.
In Chapter 6 a clinical study is described in which we measured serum magnesium
in 107 consecutive patients admitted within 48 hours after SAH.
Hypomagnesemia is frequently present after SAH (38%) and is associated with
the amount of subarachnoid blood (cisternal blood p=0.006; ventricular blood
p=0.005), a longer duration of unconsciousness (p=0.007), and a worse clinical
condition at admission (p=0.001). Hypomagnesemia occurring between days 2
and 12 after SAH predicts DCI (HR 3.2; 95% CI 1.1-8.9).
In Chapter 7 we describe the relation between hypomagnesemia and ECG
abnormalities after SAH. Lower serum magnesium levels were related to less
pronounced increase in the QTc interval and a long PR interval. Although the
direction of the relation was unexpected, decreased serum magnesium might be
the missing link between SAH and ECG abnormalities.
In Chapter 8 we describe the results of our dose-finding study, preceding our
randomized controlled trial. We found that with a continuous intravenous
dosage of 64 mmol per day, serum magnesium levels after SAH maintained
within the pursued range of 1.0-2.0 mmol/l for 14 days.
In Chapter 9 we confirmed that with the dosage schedule found in Chapter 7
serum magnesium levels of 1.0-2.0 mmol/l can easily be maintained without
severe side effects in a vast majority of patients.
In Chapter 10 we describe the results of our randomized controlled trial performed
with the above mentioned dosage regime in 283 patients. Magnesium
treatment reduced the risk of DCI by 34% (HR 0.66; 95% CI 0.38-1.14). The
risk reduction for poor outcome after 3 months was 23% (RR 0.77; 95% CI
0.54-1.09). At that time 18 patients in the treatment group and 6 in the placebo
group had an excellent outcome (RR for non-excellent outcome 0.91; 95% CI
0.84-0.98). This study shows that there is a strong tendency towards a reduction
of DCI and subsequent poor outcome in patients treated with magnesium, but as
yet, the evidence for the introduction of magnesium treatment in clinical practice
is inconclusive. A large phase III trial with functional recovery as the primary
measure of outcome should provide final evidence for the effect of
magnesium therapy in addition to the standard therapy.
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